標題: 從Adam Chodzko的照片徵件為起點探討神的多重形象
The study of the manifold images of God: Adam Chodzko’s photo contest as a point of departure
作者: 黃瓊如
Huang, Chiung-Ru
Lai, Wen-shu
關鍵字: 參與式藝術;阿多諾;詮釋學;宗教;神的概念;Participatory Art;Adorno;Hermeneutics;Religion;The concepts about God
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究由亞當.柯茲克(Adam Chodzko) 的作品《長得像神的競賽》(God Look-Alike Contest) 出發,以法蘭克福學派美學的觀點,藉由這件作品的參與式藝術中的形式,探討它形式內在的社會性以及解放性。並通過形式所啟發的各種向度,深入理解如神學概念、社會學及藝術形象等認識論問題。本研究採用詮釋學為研究方法,以《長得像神的競賽》文本裡的參與者提供的照片做為詮釋的參照對象,以分析及詮釋神的多重樣態。
The purpose of this research is to analyze and interpret the manifold image of God by using Adam Chodzko's photo project, "God Look-Alike Contest", as a starting point. Based on the aesthetic perspective from the Frankfurt School, I discuss the social characteristics and liberation of the concept of God, which consists of the artistic form of this participatory art piece. The artistic form indicates diversified dimensions, such as the epistemological issues about theological concepts, sociology, and the images of God. This research uses hermeneutics as a methodology. These pictures provided by the participants of the "God Look-Alike Contest" photo project serve as the reference point for interpretation.


  1. 252701.pdf

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