標題: 內灣線之研究(1946-2011)
The study of Neiwan Line(1946-2011)
作者: 黃芳雲
Huang, Fang-Yun
Huang, Shaw-Heng
關鍵字: 內灣線;內灣支線;竹東;Neiwan;Nan-ho;Jiouzantou
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本文在地理、歷史及人文觀點探討內灣線的興建目的、功能與過程及沿線產業興衰其角色扮演的影響。日治末期殖民者早已覬覦新竹內山天然資源,台灣總督府命令台電公司興建竹東支線鐵路以利開發當地資源,直到日本政府宣佈無條件投降,該支線鐵路工程才停工。 戰後地方政府與民間仕紳為促進新竹地區發展向執政當局爭取繼續興建新竹至竹東間竹東鐵路,國民政府考量開發竹東及內山林產、矽砂、石灰石礦等資源而同意興建,為台灣戰後第一條興建的支線鐵路。其後執政當局為繼續開發內山煤礦,繼續興建竹東至內灣間內灣支線,戰後興建過程中,因中國政局不穩定,台灣物資需支援中國,導致台灣本島物資更加缺乏,工、料價飆漲數十倍,內灣線工程興建經費一再被迫追加,工程進度嚴重落後,當時國庫財政吃緊,經檢討決定展築至十分寮為止,經當地居民一再陳情爭取,有關當局政府終於在內灣線竹合段通車典禮上宣佈續建內灣線合內段,為節省經費,部分工程乃運用國軍人力加入施工行列,並於1951(民國40)年9月1日新竹至內灣全線通車並統一稱為內灣線。 內灣線營運收入隨著沿線產業消長而起伏,當沿線礦產資源開發枯竭、傳統產業逐一沒落,內灣線營運入不敷出,盛傳停駛的謠言從不間斷,由於近年全球經濟不景氣,政府為振興國內經濟,擴大內需,推動國民旅遊、觀光休閒活動及客家意識抬頭,在相關單位努力推動下帶動各鄉鎮觀光產業發展,內灣線也搭上此風潮,被賦予帶動文化觀光產業使命,沿線客庄透過內灣線行銷遊客倍增,才終於明確擺脫廢止、拆除的命運。 為因應大量觀光人潮及提昇旅遊品質,1997(民國96)年進行內灣線改善工程,施工期間新竹至竹東間鐵路停駛,2011(民國100)年11月11日風光舉行復駛典禮。 被賦予帶動文化觀光產業使命的內灣線復駛後,是否能永續經營與行駛,有賴管理當局的遠見、當地居民的智慧及傳統產業不斷的創新,唯有三方共同努力,內灣支線才能繼續奔馳在鐵道上。
This paper studies the goal and the process to the construction of Neiwan Line from geographical, historical, and humanistic point of view. It also talks about how business along the railway affected the role that the line played. During the Japanese Occupation, the Japanese coveted the resources in the mountains in Hsinchu. Taiwan Residency General asked Taiwan Power Company to construct a railway to mine these resources. The construction of the railway didn’t stop until the Japanese government surrendered unconditionally. After the war, in order to develop the part of Hsinchu, the local governments and community organizations hoped to keep on building Jhudong Railway which was from Hsinchu to Jhudong. The national government thought there were timber, silica, limestone and other rich resourses in the mountains, so they agreed to do it. The railway was the branch line which was first constructed after the war in Taiwan. After that, the government constructed Neiwan Line which was from Jhudong to Neiwan for coal delivery. During the construction, the political situation was unstable in China. The resources in Taiwan had to support the need in China. It made the supplies in Taiwan run short. The pay for workers and materials increased more than ten times the price. The funds were raised again and again, but the construction in progess was delayed seriously. The country’s finances were really bad then, so the branch line was stopped constructing in Shifenliao. However, the locals petitioned hard to proceed the construction. Finally, when the government held a celebration for completing the part from Jhudong to Hexing, they decided to keep on constructing the part from Hexing to Neiwan. In order to save money, part of the workers are soldiers. At last, they finished all the parts from Hsinchu to Neiwan on September first, 1951. And it was called Neiwan Line. The earnings of Neiwan Line went up and down with the business along the railway. When the minerals dried up, the traditional industries gradually declined. The railway couldn’t make any money. People said it would be closed someday. The line didn’t get rid of the fate of elimination until it transformed into a tourist transport. In recent years, the economy is not booming. The government stimulates economic growth with the policy about tourism. The public pays more attention on their leisure time, and Neiwan Line attracts tourists by marketing. In order to further revitalize the tourism, the Hsinchu to Jhudong section of the Neiwan Line suspended operation for the construction work. It restarted operation on November 11, 2011. Neiwan Line plays an important role to improve the tourism. Can it be developed with sustainability? It depends on the vision of the government, the wisdom of the locals, and the innovation of the traditional industry.