標題: 文創專賣店行銷策略之研究以忠文堂為例
Cultural and Creative Store Marketing Strategy - An Example of Zhong Wen Tang Store
作者: 郭建宏
Kuo, Chien-Hung
Chu, Fong-Kang
Wang, Yau-De
關鍵字: 毛筆;品牌形象;服務品質;認知價值;顧客滿意度;顧客忠誠度;brush pen;brand image;service quality;perceived value;customer satisfaction;customer loyalty
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 原子筆書寫及攜帶方便,電腦普及化後,網路及鍵盤改變了書寫形式,加上學校已 取消書法相關課程,近年來毛筆的使用人口不斷的萎縮。早年從大陸技傳到台灣,經過 風光的六、七十年代,並外銷到日本,外在環境及政策的影響,猶如黃昏產業般的生存。 而忠文堂是家七十年的老店,走過輝煌的歲月,如今面臨如此艱困的環境,為維持此毛 筆技藝的傳承,如何推廣毛筆產業,如何與文創結合,建立獨特文化,身為忠文堂第三 代子女,實有責任來探討如何振興此產業。 本研究主要是以忠文堂的顧客為研究對象,以問卷調查的方式了解忠文堂顧客的消 費行為。本研究採用線性結構模式分析品牌形象、服務品質、認知價值、顧客滿意與顧 客忠誠間的關聯性。並使用因數分析、信度分析、皮爾森相關、迴歸分析、變異數分析 等統計方法進行量化分析,並加上消費者訪談的質化分析, 得出以下幾點研究結果與發現: (1) 就人口統計分析發現,目前顧客群組以學生族群佔大多數,但學生族群可能因在校 的課程或社團而使用毛筆,因此必須思考如何讓學生群組使用毛筆習慣延續。 (2) 品牌形象、服務品質、認知價值與顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度俱有正向顯著影響。 (3) 就顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度而言,其整體分數不高,因此必須著手提升此兩項重要 指標。 (4) 從迴歸方程式得知,認知價值是提升滿意度及忠誠度最重要的因素。 (5) 忠文堂的品牌形象必須與文化接軌,創造個人風格產品,才能符合顧客的認同。 (6) 在服務品質上,必須加強對顧客的立即性反應服務極主動關懷的服務。 (7) 在認知價值上,首要是提升產品及服務的品質,提升顧客對產品及服務的感受,讓 顧客能從產品及服務得到期望的價值,甚至超越金錢的價值。
As Chinese culture symbolic, writing brush and its group are oblivion gradually, taken place by ball-point pen, keyboard of cybernate & internet age, and also no writing brush course required formally from standard education system. Flashing back to 60~70 years ago, it was the glory moment of writing brush since writing brush culture spreading from China mainland to Taiwan, as famous exported product to Japan. Now is declining business because of worldwide trend and education policy. Zhong-Wen-Tang is a long history Chinese writing brush shop with 70 brilliant years. Nowadays, to give new life of writing brush from its skills maintain, promotion, and creative culture integration to reborn from existing arduous industrial environment, this is an undeniable task what I shall take as 3rd generation of Zhong-Wen-Tang. This study is mainly based on the Zhong Wen Tang customer questionnaires for the study, understanding of Wen Zhong Tang customer's consumption behavior. In this study, structural equation modeling analysis of brand image, service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty relationship. And the use of factor analysis, reliability analysis, Pearson correlation, regression analysis, ANOVA statistical methods such as quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis of interviews with consumers, Come to the following findings and found that: (1) For the purposes of demographic analysis found that the current customer group to the student group is in the majority, but the student group may be used in the school curriculum or associations brush must think about how to make students group uses a brush habit continues to. (2) Brand image, service quality, perceived value and customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and have made a significant positive impact. (3) In terms of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and its overall score is not high, it is necessary to proceed to enhance two important indicators. (4) From the regression equation that perceived value is the most important factor to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. v (5) Zhong Wen Tang brand image and cultural standards, create a personal style products, in order to meet the customer's identity. (6) In the service quality, we must strengthen the immediate reaction of the customer service extremely active care service. (7) On the perceived value, first and foremost, is to enhance the quality of products and services, to enhance the feelings of the customer for products and services, so that customers can get the desired value from the products and services, and even beyond the value of money.
Appears in Collections:Thesis