Title: | 企業的個人隱私承諾對員工職場自尊的影響研究 How Organizational Commitment to personal privacy Influences Organization-Based Self-Esteem |
Authors: | 楊崇麗 Yang, Chung-Li 唐瓔璋 Tang, Ying-Chan 企業管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 隱私權;隱私顧慮;組織認同;隱私權保護政策;隱私保護承諾;員工職場自尊;Privacy;Privacy Concerns;Organization Identification;Privacy Protection Policy;Privacy Protection Commitment;Organization-Based Self-Esteem |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 職場中的個人隱私保護與企業的利益之間的糾葛,往往是企業棘手又難解的問題,如何在個人隱私保護與企業的利益之間取得平衡?一直以來也是企業所關注的問題。尤其,近年來個人資料外流的事件層出不窮,為了維護企業形象以及避免觸法,並保障員工的權益、讓員工對企業產生信任感,企業對員工的隱私承諾更顯重要。隨著勞工意識的抬頭以及台灣個人資料保護法的施行,員工的個人資料保護已經從各企業的經營管理問題,提升至法律規範層面。唯台灣企業在隱私權的政策上,大多還是以對顧客或是消費者的隱私保護進行政策宣告或承諾為主,鮮少對企業內部員工的隱私保護作出承諾。 因此,本研究透過隱私權、職場隱私、個人隱私顧慮、組織認同、隱私權保護政策與承諾、以及員工職場自尊(OBSE)等相關文獻的探討,並以一政府資助之非營利事業研究機構的員工為研究對象,嘗試找出企業的個人隱私承諾、個人隱私顧慮、組織認同、與員工職場自尊之間的影響關係;本研究採用問卷調查方式,並將研究問卷加以資料分析,得到結果如下: 1.企業的個人隱私承諾對職場自尊成正向影響 2.企業的個人隱私承諾對員工的個人隱私顧慮成正向影響 3.員工的個人隱私顧慮對職場自尊成正向影響 4.企業的個人隱私承諾對員工的組織認同成正向影響 5.員工的組織認同對職場自尊成正向影響 6.企業的個人隱私承諾分別透過員工的個人隱私顧慮與組織認同的中介效果,對職場自尊產生顯著的影響 最後,本研究將相關文獻與研究資料分析歸結出結論,並對企業組織提出員工隱私保護承諾之建言,以及提供後續研究者進一步研究的方向與建議。 The protection of personal privacy in the work space and its possible conflict with corporation interest has long been a difficult dilemma for employers. Enterprises have also long been wondering how a balance between protection of personal privacy and procurement of interests of the corporation can be reached. Moreover, in recent years several incidents of personal information being leaked, has further drawn the public's attention towards this issue. To maintain the corporation's image, avoid breaching the law, as well as protect the employees' rights, and thus build a sense of trust between the employer and employee; the commitment of protecting the employees' privacy has become even more important. With the awareness of working rights on the rise, as well as the implementation of privacy protection law in Taiwan, the protection of employees' personal information has been escalated from a management issue to a legal issue. However, when it comes to privacy protection protocols, most corporations in Taiwan still focus only on the customers' or consumers' privacy, and most company policies and commitments have been solely focusing on this issue. Not many enterprises have made any commitment towards protecting their own employees' privacy. Therefore, this study seeks to find out how enterprises' privacy commitments are related to privacy concerns, organization identification, as well as the employees' organization based self esteem (OBSE) through the research of papers on privacy, privacy in the work-space, privacy concerns, organization identification, privacy protection policies and commitments, and organization based self esteem. This study uses a questionnaire, and after analyzing the responses collected, came up with the following: 1.A company's privacy commitment has positive influence on OBSE 2.A company's privacy commitment has positive influence on the privacy concerns of employees 3.Employees' privacy concerns have positive influence on OBSE 4.A company's privacy commitment has positive influence on the organization identification of employees 5.Employees' organization identification has positive influence on OBSE 6.A company's privacy commitment, through the Mediation effects of privacy concerns of the employees and organization identification, has significant influence on OBSE Finally, this study further analyses relevant studies and research data, and concludes by offering suggestions to enterprises on employee privacy protection, as well as directions for further research possibilities. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/72309 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |