標題: 社會企業創新經營模式之研究以新生命資訊服務公司為例
Innovative Business Model of Social Enterprise A Case Study of N-Company
作者: 鄭博元
Cheng, Po-Yuan
陳 安 斌
劉 助
Chen, An-Bin
Liu, James
關鍵字: 社會企業;公益創投;企業社會責任;井田制;Social enterprises;Venture Philanthropy;Enterprise social responsibility;Well-field system
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 全球環境急遽變遷、國際金融次序失衡、極端氣候暖化衍生出的經濟問題,以及伴隨而來的社會問題,如失業率提升、弱勢族群增加與貧窮問題惡化。人口老化與預算緊縮也使得過去這些多仰賴政府補助、或社會救濟的弱勢族群在未來將面臨資源不足的挑戰。本研究旨在探討一個創新的社會企業經營模式,探討如何能結合企業的資源與優質的執行與管理效能,協助社會企業能夠使脊髓損傷的傷友獲得自給自足的能力與工作機會。我們將新生命資訊企業與目前的公益模式做比較,研究結果顯示新生命資訊企業的模式可以提供企業參與社會公益的平台,透過井田制合力共同認養社會企業,提供身障者就業機會的同時,也改善企業身障聘雇員額不足的問題,進而達到公益與公司營運互惠雙贏的效果。
Rapid changes in the global environment, the international financial issues, extreme climatic warming derived economic issues, as well as the following social problems such as unemployment rates increase, increase of disadvantaged population and poverty problem getting worse. Aging population and shrinking government budgets also makes disadvantaged groups who was dependent on government subsidies or social relief in the past, will face the challenge of inadequate resources in the future. This study investigates an innovative social enterprise business model which explores effective ways to integrate corporate resources, high quality executions and management efficiency, and assists social enterprises can help the spinal cord injured people establishing the ability to obtain self-sufficiency and job opportunities. Our investigations will also compare the new business model with the current public service model. It showed New Life Information Enterprise was able to provide a platform for enterprises to participate in social welfare. Through co-owned organizations, social enterprises could provide employment opportunities for the handicapped, while improve the business problem of insufficient staffing hiring the handicapped, thus achieving the welfare effects of reciprocity with the company operations.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文


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