標題: 奈米鑽石/奈米金膜之室溫高效率單光子光源
Nanodiamond/nano-gold film for room temperature high-efficiency single photon sources
作者: 蔡承晏
Tsai, Cheng-Yen
Chang, Wen-Hao
關鍵字: 奈米鑽石;單光子源;表面電漿;Nanodiamond;Single Photon Sources;Surface Plasmon
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本論文研究室溫下具有單光子發光特性的奈米鑽石,經由與奈米金膜所產生之表面電漿耦合增快自發輻射,藉此提高單光子效率。本研究將奈米鑽石透過一層5 nm 介電材料與奈米金膜結合,經由螢光光譜和光子相干量測證實,單光子源可藉由這種混和型結構提高其單光輻射效率。透過理論模擬可證實 (N-V)─ 螢光與金屬表面電漿的耦合,因介電層的存再而使電漿子的電場因被侷限而增強,進而提升 (N-V)─ 中心的自發輻射速率。
The thesis is devoted to develop nanodiamonds which possess single photon emission at room temperature. In order to improve the generation rate of a single photon source, nanodiamonds placed on the gold film which is coated with a dielectric material enhanced spontaneous emission could be reached. Via fluorescence spectroscopy and second-order correlation functions measurements, the single-photon sources could obtain higher emission rate by using this hybrid-system. Theory and simulation results confirmed that plasmon polariton in dielectric layer produce high-density confinement of the electric field. Hence, (N-V)- center with strong electric field can lead to a higher rate of spontaneous emission.


  1. 202001.pdf

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