標題: 以正規轉換為基礎之日夜人物辨識
Canonical Transform Based Day-and-Night Person Identification
作者: 高仲義
Gao, Jhong-Yi
Chang, Jyh-Yeong
關鍵字: 人物辨識;Person Identification
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 人物辨識系統在電腦視覺領域是很熱門的研究與應用目標。在監控系統中,最常見的方式是使用固定式攝影機,對拍攝場景的人物進行人物辨識。
Human recognition system is a very popular subject for research and application. Using a camera to recognize human is widely seen in surveillance system.
In this thesis, we implement the surveillance system that can recognize multi-angle human gait and human face of a person in the bright and dark environments. We use two near infrared (NIR) cameras for human recognition. One NIR camera, set in remote location, capture the gait images from different angles. And the other NIR camera, set in the vicinity, capture the face images from the person frontal view.
In human face recognition system, face region of an image is extracted based on Haar cascade classifier, which is a feature-based algorithm and works much faster than the pixel-based algorithm. Then, the face image is transformed to a new space by eigenspace and canonical space transformation for better efficiency and separability. The recognition is finally done in canonical space. Moreover, we gather five consecutive face images from video, and use majority vote to recognition the human.
In human gait recognition system, we build two background models, one in grayscale and one in HSV color space to extract the foreground image correctly. Then we reduce the shadowing effect. The gait image is then transformed to a new space by eigenspace and canonical space transformation for better efficiency and separability. The recognition is done in the canonical space. Finally, we gather five consecutive gait images from video, and use majority vote to recognition the person.


  1. 006301.pdf

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