標題: 高科技廠房統包工程之執行面缺失與設計作業間關聯性之探討
Investigation of Performance Defects for Design/Build Construction Projects
作者: 郭明祥
Ming-Hsiang Kuo
Wei-Chih Wang
關鍵字: 統包工程;執行面缺失;關聯性;Design/Build construction projects;performance defects;correlation
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 由於國際趨勢的導向,以及政府大力的推行採用統包方式進行發包採購,使得國內營建業採用統包的案件數快速的增加。尤其現在,台灣高科技產業的廠房興建、擴建工程更是多以統包方式進行。然而目前相關實務及研究上,主要著重於瞭解採用統包之發包採購模式(或制度面)問題及其效益分析,甚少針對統包工程執行面上之問題進行深入探討。故本研究旨在彙整統包執行缺失相關之文獻,瞭解目前統包方式上缺失問題所在,並實際透過高科技廠房案例,瞭解廠房採用統包方式所發生之執行面問題(如統包之設計審查方式、細部設計、變更設計及驗收條件之關聯性等)。另外,針對統包設計作業間的問題,本研究藉由同步工程領域中作業關聯性的概念,定義關聯性因子,並以關聯性因子進而探討兩兩設計作業間的關聯性強弱關係,如此一來,除了可清楚的瞭解到作業間資訊傳遞的方向外,更可明顯的知道作業彼此間的關聯性強弱的程度。依此為基礎後,甚至可討論到統包工程進度排程上的課題。
The direction of global trend and the encouragement of Government make the Design/Build construction projects increase, especially in Taiwan high-tech construction projects. But the related research focus mainly on analyzing the purchase model and benefit of Design/Build construction projects, rarely on investigation of performance defects. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to find out the performance defects via the case analysis of high-tech industrial facilities. Besides, this research also discusses the correlation intensity between design activities in Design/Build construction projects via defining the correlation factors. Consequently, in addition to understand the route which information passed, we also realize the level of correlation intensity between design activities. Moreover, we can extend the topic to the scheduling of Design/Build construction projects.


  1. 654101.pdf

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