標題: | 企業社會責任的表現與求職者吸引力之間的關聯性 The Correlation between Performance of Corporate Social Responsibility and Job Seekers' Attractiveness |
作者: | 鄭芝宜 Cheng, Chih-Yi 黃仕斌 科技管理研究所 |
關鍵字: | 企業社會責任;組織人才吸引力;企業人才吸引力;企業評價;求職者應徵意願;corporate social responsibility;organizational attractiveness;corporation attractiveness;business reputation;Job Seekers' Attractiveness |
公開日期: | 2012 |
摘要: | 現在是個講求創新的時代,而在這個時代公司最重要的資本即為人才,公司如何吸引到人才,對企業經理者而言是很重要的課題,故本研究著重於如何使企業在招募階段中較前期的階段,吸引求職者來應徵。
諸多前人做過此類研究,探究企業社會責任表現與人才吸引力之間的關聯性,但大部分研究多以問卷的方式做為樣本資料來分析,透過一次性問卷方式,資料廣度略嫌不足,因此本研究欲以公開性評比資料,來檢驗其關聯性,這些公開性資料包括TEJ資料庫、天下雜誌、遠見雜誌的評比,資料時間涵蓋2007~2012 年,共六年時間。
由資料分析的研究結果顯示,兩者呈現正向關係,使我們更可明白,企業可透過CSR做為增加企業在社會大眾的正向觀感,但若是能更進一步達到大眾媒體對企業社會責任的標準要求,如天下、遠見的CSR排行評比,除了盡到社會公民之責任義務外,更能提升企業對於人才之吸引力、有助網羅好人才。 Nowadays, attracting the best workers to their organizations is an important issue of successful companies. How to attract outstanding people is regarded as an important subject to company managers. Therefore, our study focuses on how to attract people in the early recruitment period. We believe it is important to figure out the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and corporation attractiveness. Recently, lots of studies have been conducted on the relationship of the CSR and corporation attractiveness. However, they often use questionnaires as data base. The contributions of this paper are from CommonWealth Magazine (Taiwan) and Global Views Monthly (Taiwan) magazine. I use the ranking investigation from the magazines as my data to analyze the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and corporation attractiveness. The data are conducted in a longer timeframe analysis from 2007 to 2012. According to our results, we find that the reputation of CSR is positively associated with corporation attractiveness. By analyzing the magazine’s ranking, we find out that a company can improve its reputation by its CSR performance. As a citizen they can not only do their duty but get a good reputation by meeting the standard of media. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/72530 |
顯示於類別: | Thesis |