標題: 大型購物中心火災風險評估與財產損失之探討
Analysis of fire risk assessment and property loss in a shopping mall
作者: 林展祺
關鍵字: 購物中心;火災風險評估;火災財產損失評估;古斯塔夫法;Shopping mall;Fire risk assessment;Fire property loss assessment;Gustav purt method
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 目前國內討論將火災風險觀念結合火災財產損失評估之相關研究文獻甚少,因此本研究希望能提出可行之火災風險管理概念結合火災財產損失評估方法。 本研究選擇購物中心為研究例,理由除面積廣大、內部用途複雜外,業者亦投資大量資金於其中,相對較有研究之價值。以新竹遠東SOGO巨城購物中心為例,其火災特性包括:濃煙密佈、高溫灼熱、逃生不易、搶救困難、自動火災警報設備及自動滅火設備容易因人為因素失效等。本研究收集歷年相關火災案例文獻、場所基本資料及現場商品價值訪查,並利用古斯塔夫火災風險評估方法以防火區劃為單位分別求得GI值(火災對建築物本身的破壞)及RI值(火災對建築物內人員的傷害)分析火災危險性,再以火災力學及火災發生機率為基礎進行火災財產直接損失之估算,在得到各防火區劃之火災危險性及火災財產直接損失估算值後,綜合評價出何區應加強火災之預防、防護及保險措施。 火災危險度部分發現,影響巨城購物中心火災危險度最大之因素為各區販賣商品之燃燒及發煙特性、防火區劃大小,而最大GR及IR分別為GR 67.04及IR 30。 火災財產損失部分發現,影響火災直接財產損失因素中,商品價值實地訪查時,會因為業者隱瞞或不願意透露真實價格而影響言就結果之真實性,其中火災財產損失最大者為41.51千元/每年。 本研究發現,在不改變巨城購物中心原有經營規劃前提下,將防火區劃面積縮小至原有之1/2,火災危險度GR、IR及火災財產損失約可分別降低23.46~25.06%、50%及61.14~62.31%,另危險度綜合評價值可降低62.15~81.25%。
At present, theories of fire risk assessment combining fire property loss have little relevant references, so this study hopes to propose a suitable fire risk management concept combining fire property loss assessment. This study chose a shopping mall as a case analysis. Not only is this based on vast area and internal use complex, but also business professionals invested substantial capital in them; therefore, comparatively speaking, shopping mall have much more value than others in applied studies with property loss. For example, fire features based on Far Eastern Big City shopping mall could be included: heavy smoke, high temperature burning, difficult to escape, rescue difficult, and readily failure of automatic fire alarm equipment and automatic fire extinguishing equipment due to human factors. This study collected fire cases references over years, basic information in shopping mall, and on-site visits based on value of goods. Furthermore, Gustav purt fire risk assessment method was conducted by fire compartment units to obtain GI value (fire damage to the building) and RI value (fire injury inside the building personal). Under the bases on fire dynamics and fire occurrence probability theories, this study obtained fire risk of fire compartment and fire direct property loss value by utilizing analyses methods. After the comprehensive evaluation, we could conclude which fire compartments need to be strengthened in fire prevention, fire protection, and insurance measures. Result discovered that the most significant fire risk factors in Big City shopping mall are combustion features, smoke characteristics, and fire compartment size in each selling district and the largest GR and IR are GR 67.04 and IR 30, separately. According to influence factors of fire direct property loss, the study found that the greatest property loss was by approximately 41.51 thousand NT dollars per year. However, while on-site visits of goods value were conducted, because business professionals were unwilling to disclose or withheld the real price to affect the authenticity of the price. Finally, the study found that under without changing the original commercial scale in Big City shopping mall if the original fire compartment area was reduced to 1/2 scale, GR, IR, and fire direct property loss could be decreased by approximately 23.46~25.06%, 50%, and 61.14~62.31%, separately.