標題: 營建業與鋼鐵業間金流電子化作業及資訊交換標準整合之探討
Information Exchange Standards for Cash Flow between the Construction and Steel Manufacturing Industries
作者: 王珮茹
Pei-Ru Wang
Ren-Jye Dzeng
關鍵字: 跨組織資訊系統;產業間整合;金流電子化;Inter-Organization Information System;E-Financing;E-Financing
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 隨著資訊化時代來臨,企業紛紛開始整合虛擬與實體的經營模式,其中產業與產業間的跨產業電子化整合,自然成為提升企業經營績效之成功關鍵,產業對於交易夥伴在流程與資訊上整合,根據產業資源現況做最佳化安排,以精簡繁雜相關表單及文件,達到縮短作業時間、降低人力成本。目前營建業和鋼鐵業都已制訂出一套屬於產業標準表單,依據ebXML電子商業標準中的標準作業流程規範BPSS(Business Process Specification Schems),建立一套營建與鋼鐵業跨產業資訊標準接軌模式。因此可先藉由產業間訂定資訊交換標準來整合成跨產業標準,鋼鐵業直接銷售客戶以營建產業相關性最大,因此本研究以鋼鐵業為主要跨產業整合對象。 營建業這幾年不景氣,金融業對營造業之授信融資業務傾向保守,造成營建業資金週轉雪上加霜困境,目前企業在金流所遇到最大問題,便是企業內部ERP系統並無法完全與金流供應鏈串連,造成資金無法進行電子化管理,本研究在跨產業整合後將嘗試與銀行結合形成營建跨產業金流電子化,朝向金流與產業供應鏈結合,建置一套營建跨產業金流電子化機制,作為營建業與各產業跨產業金流整合之開端。
Upon the era of information technology, businesses start to integrate fictitious and materialistic managerial styles. The integration of e-business among industries is the key point to lead a firm towards a high efficient company, including to integrate the information technology with your business partners, to achieve the best outcomes based on the industry capital, to use simplified documentations to shorten your working hours and to minimize human resources to accomplish works. Today construction industry and steel industry have established a set of industry standard forms to regular BPSS (Business Process Specification Schema) based on the standard working process of ebXML e-business standards, to build a standard information technology exchange model between construction industry and steel industry. As the result, we can use this model as a standard to regulate the standards cross industries. The direct sales of steel industry are mainly construction industry. Therefore, this research is focusing on the steel industry cross industries. Construction industry has been in an economic recession over the last few years. Financial industry has adopted a conservative lending tactic to construction industry, which resulted in money in-circulation among construction industry. The biggest money-circulation related difficulty among industries is that the internal ERP system within the industries cannot incorporate well with the supply chain e-financing, which results in difficulty in applying e-management to capital management. This research is to try to incorporate the banks and merged industries to formulate an e-money circulation among construction industry, working towards incorporation between money circulation and supply chain in industries, building an e-money circulation system cross the construction industry, and conducting a pioneering work of incorporating money circulation between construction industry and others.


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