標題: 星叢‧複線‧集合:網路前衛藝術美學語言
Constellation‧Multiple lines‧Assemblages: Aesthetic language of the avant-garde.net
作者: 林欣怡
關鍵字: 網路前衛藝術;星叢;集合;數據主體性;網路物性;avant-garde.net;Constellation;Assemblages;Data-Subjectivity;Objecthood.net
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 「星叢‧複線‧集合:網路前衛藝術美學語言」 主要以星叢文體、精神姿態、 物性導向、數據主體性、網路物性、多重延身概念複寫而成,上述概念同時結合 美學語言、哲學概念、藝術作品三面向的視域,生產黏貼於網路體自身(the net itself)的概念集合體(assemblage) ,一方面映射網路體本質上的多態複數性格, 一方面指向網路美學概念的開放性與轉換性,藉此三視域與節點的交互角力,聯 結思考網路前衛作品的異質路徑。論文第一個切面「網路前衛藝術美學」,主要 以阿多諾美學理論中的「星叢文體」作為論述樣式。同時關注網路空間如何連結 至巨型網絡並生產「動能」,以及此動能如何擬造出精神態勢。接續上述星叢、 動能、精神姿態與身體視角,導引出網路集體創作所映射而成的數據主體性,同 時開展出「觀念作為物」的變異性,形成物件、物性導向展演的網路物性美學語 言。最後論述台灣網路藝術創作脈絡,尋找差異與連結點,以此差異連結點接述 台灣的網路創作體質。
As a polymorphism, mashup, and heterogeneous flowing organic spread media, "net-version" has been a qualitative change, and evolved into a diffuse kinetic energy of the "assemblages", because of the continuing interaction with the other media. Its mode of action is not only the classical information movement, but also towards the outside, united in the plural including the kinetic energy between the various configurations. Accordingly, this study attempts to genealogically research such assemblages and re-extract the characters “Constellation” of the avant-garde net.art works. Furthermore, through the practice of philosophical criticism and analyzsis of net.art works, this research tries to link the concepts of "Data-Subjectivity" and "Objecthood.net", conducted to interpret information, material resources, and other aesthetics of Internet data, and re-extract the kinetic character of avant-garde net art., becoming the "multiple assemblages system" aesthetic discourse. Such a heterogeneous fusion of horizons is not only the deterritorialization of net-version’s characteristics, but also simultaneously deterritorialized and reterritorialized the concept of net-version. In other words, this research develops concept of "collective assemblages of net itself", mapping the net version's multiple characters, which is simultaneously point to the aesthetic concept of net version’s openness and convertibility.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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