標題: 韻律結構及音段對聲情現象之影響
The Effect of Prosodic Structure and Segment on Sound Symbolism
作者: 許樂加
Shiu, Ler-Jia
Lai, Yuwen
關鍵字: 聲情現象;音強;時長;基頻;共振峰;sound emotion phenomenon;intensity;duration;fundamental frequency;formant
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究探討人類語言中的聲情現象,並由聲學特徵如音強,時長,基頻,第一共振峰與第二共振峰以及形式等方向分析聲音與情緒的連結。本研究設計兩項實驗:一、將聲音所引發的情緒程度以語義差異法數據化,探討聲音影響程度的多寡。二、以常見的ABAB和AABB形式兩相比較,探討形式對情緒引發是否有所影響。實驗刺激項為輔音/h/、/p/、/t/、/k/和元音/a/、/i/、/u/、/e/、/o/所構成的二十項聲音。結果顯示:一、最具正面情緒者為輔音/k/和元音/i/、/a/,且聲學特徵趨向音強大,時長較長。二、最具負面情緒者為輔音/h/和元音/e/,且聲學特徵趨向低第一共振峰和低第二共振峰。三、音節組合形式以ABAB形式較AABB更能引發正面情緒。本研究對於聲情現象提供相關參考,並可於未來運用在其他語言研究,教學,文學和翻譯作品,以及商業應用等。
The purpose of this study is to present evidence of sound emotion phenomenon in language by intensity, duration, F0, F1 and F2, and language form comparison. This study proposes the following two different methods. (1) Measured the degrees of emotions by Semantic Differential Scale. (2) Took common form ABAB compared with AABB to examine emotions evoked by them. Stimuli are consonants /h/, /p/, /t/, /k/, and vowels /a/, /i/, /u/, /e/, /o/. The results suggested that (1) the most significant elements in positive emotion were consonant /k/ and vowels /i/, /a/, and they tended to be high intensity and long duration. (2) The most significant elements in negative emotion were consonant /h/ and vowel /e/, and they tended to be low F1 and F2. (3) ABAB tended to evoke positive emotion than AABB. This study provides additional evidence for sound emotion phenomenon, and it could be applied to further studies in other languages, teaching methodologies, literature, translation, and commercial fields.


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