標題: 扭轉與水平排列之向列液晶的 電壓保持率與殘餘直流電壓特性
Voltage-Holding-Ratio and Residual-DC-Voltage Characteristics of Twisted-Nematic and Planar-Alignment Liquid-Crystal Cells
作者: 鄭皓文
Cheng, Hao-Wen
Lee, Wei
關鍵字: 電壓保持率;殘餘直流電壓;資料擷取;量測系統;VHR;RDC;data acquisition;measuring system
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本論文係就薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器工業檢測技術所需,設計出結合液晶盒電壓保持率、殘餘直流電壓特性與自動化溫度控制電路的多功能量測設備。為提高此裝置的應用性及量測範圍,本團隊利用簡單的溫度控制系統之電子電路搭配加熱晶片與散熱系統,整合現有系統電路及整體裝置架構,透過資料擷取裝置與虛擬儀控介面達到量測與數值分析高度自動化的結果,提出具可攜式、易操作、高準確性及廣泛應用之溫度可調式液晶盒量測裝置,並且用來探討扭轉與水平排列之向列液晶的電壓保持率與殘餘直流電壓特性。
According to the requirement on the detection of display performance in thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFTLCD), a multi-functional instrument for the measurement of voltage holding ratio (VHR), residual direct current (RDC), and electro-optical characteristics of liquid crystal cells have been developed by our research group. In order to expand the application field and measurement range for abovementioned parameters, in this study, a simple temperature-control system consisting of heating chips and cooling systems is designed and combined into our proposed instrument. We also integrate various types of circuits and whole framework for the instrument to obtain highly automatic measurement and numerical analysis through the data acquisition and interface of virtual instrument control. Furthermore, electrical properties such as the VHR and RDC, of twisted nematic and planar-aligned liquid crystal cells under specific measuring conditions are presented.


  1. 802002.pdf
  2. 802003.pdf

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