標題: 台灣觸控相關產業在美專利訴訟之實證分析-從義隆訴訟案出發
The Empirical Analysis of Taiwan Touch-Related Industries’ Patent Litigation in the U.S
作者: 楊佩錡
Yang, Pei-Chi
Liu, Shang-Jyh
關鍵字: 台灣廠商;台灣企業;觸控相關產業;專利侵權訴訟;美國專利訴訟;Domestic industry;Domestic touch-related industries;Patent infringement actions;U.S Patent litigation
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 近十年來,3C科技發展迅速,國際大廠間競爭激烈,商戰持續白熱化,進而使商場上的戰火快速延燒至專利。當台灣的科技產業的世界競爭力愈是提昇,要面對的專利訴訟也就愈頻繁。 然而科技變遷之快速、競爭之激烈,台灣企業是否都有跟上腳步,脫離傳統的經營模式呢?台灣廠商是否已經意識到、甚至著手改變舊有模式,將企業經營、技術發展與智權管理進行連結與整合呢?當外國廠商除了內部研發外,還透過併購方式從外部取得所需的專利與建構專利布局之際,國內的廠商是否還謹守著只要努力研發、申請大量專利,防守而不進攻,就可以避免爭訟的舊觀念呢?台灣廠商在美國的專利訴訟當中,通常台灣廠商被告占多數,但也有當原告者,其中有敗訴亦有勝訴之實例。究竟敗訴多還是勝訴多?勝訴者又有何訣竅或秘技嗎?專利訴訟的戰場勢必持續擴大,這樣的問題值得我們深入研究探討。
Technology has been rapidly developed in the past decade. The domestic high-tech industries in Taiwan have experienced continuous and countless threat of patent infringement actions recent years. Large attorney and litigation costs and the time-consuming process have greatly harmed the capital base of the industries; it might seriously impact the development of Taiwan’s technology and economy. Are the domestic high-tech industries well prepared for the fight? Do the companies try to manage the patent to counter the threat? What about the situation of the domestic touch-related industries’ patent litigation in the U.S? Can we win the fight? How to win? Or why we lost? What should we do to prepare before the lawsuit? And then what should we focus on during the process? These are what so important we have to discuss.
Appears in Collections:Thesis