标题: 太阳能电池产业环境绩效指标之建立-以CIGS薄膜太阳能电池制造业为例
The Environmental Performance Indicators for Solar Cell Industry-Case Study of a CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Manufacturing Industry
作者: 谢宗宪
关键字: 太阳能电池制造业;铜铟镓硒;环境绩效指标;环境绩效评估;TFT-LCD制造业;Solar Cell manufacturing industry;CIGS;Environmental Performance Indicator;Environmental Performance Evaluation;TFT-LCD industry
公开日期: 2013
摘要: 随着能源耗竭以及温室效应的问题越趋严重,全世界在各种替代能源的开发和研究上也相当重视,其中铜铟镓硒(CIGS,Copper Indium Gallium Selenide)薄膜太阳能电池是近年来光电产业中最具发展潜力。本论文研究以CIGS薄膜太阳能电池制造业为例,参考不同产业的环境绩效指标,选用下列指标(耗水量、耗电量、毒化物(硫脲)、硫化氢、氨气、氨氮、废弃物产生量、温室气体排放量、废弃物再利用率、废水排放率、制程用水回收率与全厂用水回收率),探讨环境绩效指标数值结果,提供组织内部改善方向,参考薄膜电晶体液晶显示器(TFT-LCD,Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display)产业中相同环境绩效指标,瞭解本文范例环境绩效指标优劣势。
研究案例统计2012、2013年度与推估产能满载的各项环境绩效指标,结果发现单位面积之耗电量、耗水量、废弃物产生量、温室气体排放量与废弃物再利用率和TFT-LCD3.5代厂单一厂相比,环境绩效指标相近;与单一TFT- LCD公司相比为劣势指标;依产能满载推估指标数值,则优于单一TFT-LCD公司。废弃物再利用率为最快达到优质环境绩效,单位面积之耗水量、耗电量、毒化物(硫脲)、氨氮、温室气体、硫化氢与氨气亦随产能投片面积增加,呈现正向的下降趋势。废水排放率符合科学工业园区标准,制程用水回收率与全厂用水回收率需列入改善,建议废水分流处理,提高废水回收率,降低废水排放率。温室气体盘查中范畴二电力外购部份,为最大碳排放量来源,建议高耗能设备应朝向节能省电方向改进。
With the energy depletion and global warming problems have become serious problems, research and development on alternative energy have attracted considerable attention all over the world. The CIGS(Copper Indium Gallium Selenide) thin-film solar cells is the most potential in photoelectric industry in recent years. This study intends to assess the EPIs (Environmental Performance Indicators) for a CIGS thin-film solar cell industry based on references of different industries. Several potential programs for improving the environmental performance of the company were suggested based on the EPIs evaluation. And the EPIs results were compared with those made by TFT-LCD (TFT-LCD,Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display) industry.
Based on the data of 2012~2013 and compared with TFT-LCD industy, the nagative EPIs included energy comsumption, water comsumption, waste production greenhouse gas emission and waste recovery rate. Compared with 3.5-generation plants which was close to the EPIs. But if based on estimated full capacity index value, they could be better than those of the TFT-LCD industry. The results also showed that waste recovery rate was the best to reach high performance. The toxic substance (thiourea), ammonia nitrogen, greenhouse gas, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia showing a positive downward trend with increased capacity. The discharge ratio of total factory can be in compliance with the Science Park standard. But the system reclaim ratio of process and reclaim ratio of total factory need to be improved. While the rate of recovery of the waste water increases, the discharge ratio of total factory reduces. The scope 2 of greenhouse gas is the largest source of carbon emissions. Hence the high-energy-consuming equipment should be directed to energy saving improvements.