標題: 反射式雷射光學感測系統應用於凝血檢測研究
Evaluation of blood coagulation by reflective laser measurement analysis
作者: 顏士傑
Yen, Shih-Chieh
關鍵字: 凝血時間;凝血機制;生物傳感器;反射式光學系統;clotting time;clotting mechanism;bio-detector;reflective optical system
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 血液凝血檢測分析,仍是目前外科手術、心血管疾病、慢性病併發症及血友病的重要依據。傳統檢測血液凝血酶原時間,一般使用自動凝血分析儀來做檢測,但是儀器設備系統昂貴、體積龐大、成本較高且檢測時間過長。近年來,各界研究方向以穿透式光學系統檢測血液樣本的凝血動態,但實驗的器材與環境所需體積較為龐大,此外,穿透式光學系統檢測常使用CCD camera作為接收端,其訊號都需匯入電腦做數值處理才可繪出動態曲線。
The analysis of blood coagulation tests is an important basis for surgery, cardiovascular disease, chronic disease complications and hemophilia. It’s always use the automatic coagulation analyzer to detect the blood prothrombin time in tradition. But, the automatic coagulation analyzer is so expensive, bulky, higher costs, and the long duration of detection. In recent years, the direction of research in the optical biosensor is to test dynamic blood coagulation from a standard blood sample, but it’s required fairly wide space to set the experimental equipment and environment. Further, it’s often use the CCD camera be receiver in a penetration type optical measurement system. In order to show the dynamic curve, these signals need numerical calculation in computer analysis.
Therefore, this research is mainly using reflective optical system to detect the human whole blood coagulation. A 635nm red laser is to irradiate the whole blood of human on the reflective mirror, and the feedback light is received by the photodiode. Finally, the light intensity is converted into voltage, and then calculated the trend of the voltage change. We can achieve the purpose is the coagulation test by analysis of abnormal coagulation and clotting time length. In addition, our optical detection system is less demand in both whole-blood and plasma samples. The most important is that non-contact detection can reduce the effect of clotting mechanism. It provides a fast, convenient and low-cost optical bio-detection technology to the biomedical sphere.
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