標題: 聲音資訊之形體化研究
A Study of Cymatics Form of Sound
作者: 李宸安
Lee, Chen-An
Hou, June-Hao
關鍵字: 聲波;形塑;非牛頓流體;Cymatics;Sound;Form-finding;Non-Newtonian fluid
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 聲音為空間中主要的不可視資訊,其狀態可以由聲波的振動來理解,這股振動的力量可以生成一種動態而且有序的形。將空間中的聲音以形體表現,可與空間形體以最直接的方式呈現其關係。


Sound is one of main invisible information in space. We could comprehend its status through vibration of sound waves. The most direct way to display the relation between sound and space is generating animate form with the power of vibration.

This research is based on Cymatics, which studies patterns generated from using different hertz to vibrate water. Non-Newtonian fluid was also used to replace water and to produce forms of sound. The research consists of four parts. The first part is writing a program to recreate dynamic forms of sound from the experiment. The second part is using webcam to catch images of the experiment and analyze the data by means of computer-aided tools. The third part is to compare results from the experiment and the program and correspondingly adjust parameters for more accurate simulation.

The last part of the research is about implementation. Six wireless microphones were used to get data of sound in a real space. Using the data as input parameters, the form of the sound was generated. Possibility of using sound to produce forms and its impact on space has been explored and evaluated.


  1. 950801.pdf

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