Title: 媒體品牌延伸─探討傳統新聞媒體發展網路品牌的相互回饋效果
Media Brand Extension:The Reciprocal Effects between Tradition News Media and Its Online Edition
Authors: 林祐安
Lin, Yu-An
Keywords: 媒體品牌延伸;品牌知識;品牌關係;契合度;聯合報;聯合新聞網;Media brand extension;brand knowledge;brand relationship;fit;The United Daily News;Udn.com
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 網路科技的蓬勃發展對於現代社會的影響劇烈,不僅改變了閱聽眾的新聞媒體使用習慣,傳統媒體的經營戰場也延伸至網路環境中,但多數的傳統媒體卻害怕會被網路新聞所吞噬,忽略自身寶貴的品牌資產。本研究採用電腦輔助電話調查法,研究傳統媒體中的報紙和其成立的新聞網站,並以聯合報和聯合新聞網為新聞品牌代表,從品牌延伸觀點分析兩者的相互回饋效果以及競合關係。
The development of the Internet influences modern society drastically, but it not only changes audiences’ media use but extends media business sphere. Most traditional media are not confident of publishing online news and underestimate its precious brand equity. This study, using Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing, investigate reciprocal effects between newspaper and its online edition by taking United Daily and Udn.Com as examples. Brand extension theory is used to examine the competitive-cooperative relationship between traditional media and its online counterparts.
Results showed that traditional media still had its unique power. The online edition would not cannibalize its parent brand; by contrast, it brought in more audiences. Traditional News media and its online edition did have reciprocal effects. Among the brand relationships, audiences valued brand trust, brand attitudinal loyalty and brand behavioral loyalty the most and they regard Udn.com as The United Daily News’ supplement not substitutes.
The study also pointed out several managerial implications. First, online news should offer more services which are different from its parent brand to attract more audiences. Second, treating online news as a brand extension is to maximize brand equity. Last, keep a close eye on “new new media” (such as Facebook, apps) because they may bring new opportunities to the news industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis