標題: 數位思維影響下的工具創造:以編織工藝為例
Tool Making in Digital Era for Knitting Fabrication
作者: 劉家豪
Liu, Chia-Hao
Hou, June-Hao
關鍵字: 數位工藝;電腦輔助設計製造;數位製造;編織工藝;digital crafting;computer-aided design and manufacturing;digital design and fabrication;knitting craft
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 摘要





The prevalence of technology has influenced computer-aided design and manufacturing extensively. In recent years, it is very usual for designers to develop conceptual design with computer-aided design tools both in virtual and physical environments. By using different processes and media, designers produce forms and textures mathematically or algorithmically with decent quality comparable to traditional craftsmanship. CAD/CAM is now the new tools for craft making, which leads to the digital crafting era.

However, it is still very difficult for designers to operate and control digital fabrication tools. The support of design media and processes on such tools are limited, and the end products usually lack cultural concerns and affections.

In order to deal with this situation, this thesis tries to discuss the possibility of tool making for designers and the changing of design process. Based on open source software and hardware platform, research studies focus on the combination of traditional crafting and digital technology. This research takes knitting craft as an example to explore the possibility of knitting craft, to extract the elements of knitting process, and to construct an experimental prototype.

Through the tool making and prototyping, the research develops a new design process linking design thinking, model analysis, to construction guidelines. Therefore, designers can choose, control, or even create their own design and manufacture machine.

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