標題: 國家與地方社會的互動:以清末苗栗後壠築堤的研究為例
State and Local Society in Late Empire China:A Case Study from Houlong, Taiwan
作者: 張茹惠
Chang, Ju Hui
Lo, Lieh-shih
關鍵字: 清代;淡新檔案;鄉治;仕紳;後壠;派捐;Qing Dynasty;Dan Xin Archives;village self-governance system;gentry;Houlong;compulsory contribution
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本文藉由《淡新檔案》重建後壠築堤的起因與結果,透過地方事務分工來呈現官治組織和鄉治組織在地方社會的實際運作,也就是國家與地方社會的互動。 清代給予地方政府的經費僅能支付人事費用,因此地方政府必須透過仕紳來取得地方事務所需的經費,並透過鄉治組織及官吏來確保經費得以順利籌措。為了使地方事務能夠順利完成,有時官府也會要求不同地方社會的仕紳一同參與。 光緒七年的水患造成後壠溪潰堤,為了興建堤防,官方以派捐的方式募集資金,並委由地方仕紳進行人工的派遣及工程的監督。官方所指定的紳董,多數為透過捐貲而得功名的仕紳,同時也是地方社會上的殷富。官方透過官治組織與鄉治組織的合作來完成地方事務。而地方仕紳也透過這樣的關係,為自己建立更穩固的社會地位。 地方仕紳與官府的關係,並非長久穩定,然而,官府總能以其權力來掌控仕紳,使得官府與仕紳的關係處與平衡狀態。換言之,國家對於地方仕紳的掌控,造就了台灣地方社會的穩定狀態。
This study is based on Dan Xin Archives and investigates the operation of the government system and the village self-governance system. It shows the interaction between the state and the local society. In Qing dynasty, the local government only got enough money for employees, and had to get money from gentry for the local affairs. For the purpose, the local government asked the local gentry and the people of the village self-governance system(sometimes in another region) to ensure that they could get enough money and have the local affairs done. In 1881, the typhoon caused the flood of Houlong River. For building the embankment of Houlong River, the local government gave orders to local people for compulsory contribution and asked the gentry in Houlong to get enough money and workers for it. Most gentry who were invited by the local government got honor by devoting wealth to the state(Endowing Policy) and also were rich men in Houlong. The government got the local affairs finished by corporation of the government system and the village self-governance system---the way that the gentry in Houlong established their fame in local society. The relationship between the government system and the village self-governance system was not always steady, however, the local government could control the gentry by its power. In other words, the government got the control of the gentry, also got the local society steady.


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