標題: 批發零售業雲端應用解決方案之研究
Cloud Computing Application in Wholesale and Retail
作者: 吳文鴻
Wu, Wen-Hung
Yuan, Benjamin J.C.
關鍵字: 批發零售業;雲端運算;巨量資料;軟體即服務;決策支援系統;銷售點資訊系統(POS);倉儲管理系統(WMS);電子商務;Wholesale and Retail;Cloud Computing;Big Data;SaaS;Decision Support System;Point of Sales (POS);Warehouse Management System(WMS);E-commerce
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 批發零售業薄利多銷與進入門檻低的行業特性,導致市場競爭激烈;而當產品內容同質性高、利潤減少之下,透過各種資訊系統,達到降低經營成本,提升附加價值,已成競爭之重要關鍵。 由於資訊系統由規劃、設計、導入、運作及維護等階段都需要專業人員及相關軟硬體設備的投資,相關費用讓中小企業主裹足不前,而台灣批發零售業者中小企業比例高達九成以上,因此國內批發零售業的資訊化程度普遍不足,競爭力有待提升。隨著雲端運算技術及相關基礎建設的發展,透過「軟體即服務」(Software as a Service, SaaS)之服務模式,由於SaaS具有:初期導入費用低、導入速度快、以月租費取代維護費…等優點,因此可大幅降低批發零售業導入資訊服務之門檻。 本研究首先就雲端運算相關技術發展及國內外批發零售業雲端運用趨勢進行了解,接著透過專家訪談歸納出批發零售業主要的資訊服務之需求、並進一步提出批發零售業之雲端解決方案之整體架構,包含了門市系統、倉儲系統、電子商務系統及決策支援系統。 最後,本研究總結批發零售業雲端解決方案之關鍵成功因素如下: 1.加強雲端解決方案標準化、模組化程度,以利中小企業快速、低負擔的導入雲端服務。 2.進行跨系統整合,建立共同平台、資料交換格式與介面,以加速資訊流。 3.透過單一窗口,讓批發零售業者一站購足相關資通訊服務,並提供品質保證及不間斷的維運服務,以協助批發零業者專注於本業發展。 4.形成次產業市集以發揮巨量資料運算與跨系統整合之綜效,對資通訊服務供應商而言,應就特定次產業,針對其商業流程特色,發展出對應的解決方案。
Due to low entry barrier of the wholesale and retail industry, the competition of this industry is highly intensive. Effective information systems reducing operation costs and providing add-on value are playing more and more important roles in improving competitiveness. The whole processes of information system development such as planning, design, operation and maintenance require lots of IT professionals involved and nontrivial hardware/software investment. Consequently, most SMEs hesitate to implement information systems to facilitate their business processes. According to statistics, Taiwan’s wholesale and retail industry is composed of SMEs by over 90%. Therefore, the penetration rate of information technology is relatively low in the wholesale and retail industry. With cloud computing technology development, “Software as a Service” (SaaS) can be the solution. Because of the characteristics of SaaS model such as fast and economic implementation, the entry barriers of information system implementation in wholesale and retail industry can be lower. This study begins by analyzing the trend of information technology in wholesale and retail. Then, the author conducts several expert interviews and summarizes the demands for information services in the wholesale and retail industry. Furthermore, this study advances a structure of cloud computing application in wholesale and retail, including store management systems, warehouse management systems, e-commerce systems and decision support systems. Finally, this study concludes the critical success factors of cloud computing application in wholesale and retail are as follows: (1) Standardization and modularization of cloud computing application, to facilitate SMEs to implement cloud application faster and more economically. (2) Cross-system integration, the establishment of a common platform and data exchange interfaces, to accelerate information flow. (3) Through single point of contact, allowing one-stop shopping, and providing ongoing maintenance. (4) Forming sub-sectors to realize the synergy of big data computing and cross-system integration.