標題: 支援實習教師的行動系統之介面設計與評鑑
The user-interface design and evaluation of a mobile system for student teachers
作者: 姜則維
Chiang, Tse-Wei
Chen, Chao-Hsiu
關鍵字: 師資培育;教育實習;實習教師;行動學習;人機互動;teacher education;student teaching;student teachers;mobile learning;human-computer interaction
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究旨在結合行動科技無所不在的優點,開發一套新版支援實習教師的行動系統(Adaptive Support System Initiated for Student Teachers,ASSIST),以輔助實習教師於教育實習的工作與學習。本研究者在系統開發階段,先回顧師資培育相關文獻以及訪談實習教師,瞭解使用者需求,歸納出三項新功能:個人筆記、教學教案、教師檢定;接著規劃設計準則、工作分析和介面設計,完成系統雛型開發。 在系統評估階段,為確保ASSIST符合人機互動原則和使用者需求,本研究採用放聲思考、問卷、訪談、觀察等方法蒐集資料,評估過程分為兩階段,第一階段邀請三位專家評鑑系統,此階段結果著重於介面標示和功能操作之修改,並建議新增圖文紀錄和輔助說明等功能。第二階段邀請12位實習教師進行系統可用性測試,受試者主要提出排版設計與操作提示等問題,以及建議在行動載具上直接新增圖文紀錄。此外,從兩階段的互動滿意度問卷(QUIS)結果發現,經過專家評鑑修正後,ASSIST已減少許多介面和操作問題,目標使用者也認為系統具有高度可用性,但仍有改善的空間。 本研究建議未來ASSIST可增加跨年度出題的考古題練習、正確解答的解釋、問題留言板回覆提醒等功能。後續的研究應確實將ASSIST導入教育實習當中,以瞭解ASSIST可以如何提升實習教師使用系統的意願,達到協助實習教師教育實習的目的。
This study utilized characteristics of mobile technology to develop a new version of a mobile system, the Adaptive Support System Initiated for Student Teachers (ASSIST), to support student teachers’ work and learning. To conduct the needs analysis, the author reviewed relevant literature and interviewed student teachers and, finally, the author proposed three new functions of the ASSIST: personal notepads, lesson plans, and teacher-certification testing preparation. According to results of the needs analysis, the author concluded design guidelines, conducted task analysis, and developed the interface prototype of the new ASSIST. To evaluate the usability of the system prototype, methods including think aloud, questionnaires, interviews, and observations were employed to collect data. The evaluation consists of expert evaluation and user testing. In the expert evaluation, three experts provided suggestions regarding interface display, system operations, photo records, and online help. Twelve student teachers participated in the user testing, and they raised issues regarding layout design, message display, and taking pictures with mobile devices. Moreover, according to results of the QUIS questionnaires of the two-stage evaluation, the expert evaluation did help the author improve the interface design of the ASSIST, and the student teachers considered the ASSIST highly usable but they also indicated the ASSIST could be further improved. This study suggests that the ASSIST include functions such as various types of teacher-certification testing preparation, answer explanation, and reply reminders of the message board. The future research should apply the ASSIST to student teaching to understand how to foster student teachers’ willingness to use the ASSIST so student teachers can benefit from using the system.
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