標題: 青少年的族群認同比較研究:以新竹縣竹東鎮、竹北市、尖石鄉之國三學生為探索核心
A Comparative Study of Ethnic Identity in Adolescents --- Examples of Ninth-grade Students of Zhudong, Zhubei, and Jianshi in Hsinchu County
作者: 劉宗怡
Liu, Chung-Yi
Shu, Wei-Der
關鍵字: 族群認同;族群認同強度;族群認同狀態;多群體族群認同測量(MEIM);青少年;ethnic identity;ethnic identity salience;ethnic identity status;Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure(MEIM);adolescents
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 「族群」這個語彙在今日的台灣社會是大家耳熟能詳的,無論在傳播媒體、學術研究或政黨政治上,相關的議題總是不絕於耳;然而,在一般民眾的實際生活裡,「族群」究竟是不是一個有意義的人群分類方式?又「族群身份」是不是一個重要的自我標籤?以及,不同族群背景的人是否有著不一樣的族群認同強度或狀態?截至目前為止,我們似乎還看不到一個成熟的比較經驗研究。 本研究以就讀於新竹縣竹東鎮、竹北市和尖石鄉的國民中學三年級同學為調查對象,進行有關跨群體的族群認同比較研究,而主要的發問則包含(1). 青少年族群認同相對於其他自我認同的強度為何?(2). 青少年的族群認同強度為何?(3). 青少年的族群認同狀態為何?(4). 不同族群背景的青少年間,是否存在著不同的族群認同?(5). 青少年的族語能力與族群認同兩者間的關係?(6). 青少年的族群認同與不同人口背景變項間的關係?至於在研究設計方面,本研究以改編過的「自我認同描述問卷」以及「族群認同量表問卷」,作為測量青少年的族群認同相對強度、族群認同強度與族群認同狀態三者之研究工具。 經由585份有效問卷的回應,並以次數百分比、T檢定、單因子變異數分析和皮爾遜相關分析等統計方法,本研究發現(1). 近八成青少年僅具有低度的族群認同相對強度 (2). 青少年對於自身所屬族群普遍有中等程度之上的族群認同強度 (3). 約六成青少年目前處於族群認同的延宕狀態 (4). 不同族群背景的青少年其族群認同具有顯著差異,其中以原住民的族群認同最高 (5). 青少年族語能力越佳則其族群認同亦越高 (6). 女性青少年的族群認同強度較男性高、學業成績較低落或家庭社經地位較低的青少年其族群認同相對強度較高、居住地在尖石鄉的青少年其族群認同各層面皆高於居住地在竹東鎮或竹北市的青少年。 是故,關於青少年在族群認同相對強度、族群認同強度與族群認同狀態三者的比較,本研究綜合歸納出以下四點結論: (1).新竹地區青少年普遍有低度的「族群認同相對強度」以及中等程度之上的「族群認同強度」。 (2).原住民、具有良好族語能力、學業成績不佳、居住地在尖石鄉、家庭社經地位較低的新竹地區青少年其「族群認同相對強度」較高。 (3).原住民、具有良好族語能力、女性、居住地在尖石鄉的新竹地區青少年其「族群認同強度」較高。 (4).原住民、具有良好族語能力、居住地在尖石鄉的新竹地區青少年其「族群認同狀態」較接近「已完成」。 最後,本研究根據結論提出未來的研究方向,以供學術研究人員、教育行政機關和未來研究者參考使用。
It seems that “Ethnicity” (zuchun 族群), which is found in media, academic research, as well as political arena, has become a popular term in Taiwan’s everyday life. However, in people’s “mind,” is “ethnicity” a really meaningful concept? Is “ethnic identity” truly an important component of everybody’s self-concept? Do people of different ethnic background possess different degree of ethnic identity salience as well as different types of ethnic identity status? Unfortunately, until today, we still have not seen any research dealing with aforementioned questions yet. Six specific questions are proposed in this project. First of all, compared with other components of ego identity, what is the relative salience of their ethnic identity? Second, what is their ethnic identity salience? Third, what is their ethnic identity status? Forth, does adolescent of different ethnic background have different ethnic identity in terms of relative salience, salience, and status? Fifth, what is the relationship between their ethnic identity and mother tongue ability? Sixth, what is the relationship between their ethnic identity and some specific demographic variables like gender and socioeconomic status? To answer these questions, using revised “Twenty Statements Test” and “Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure” as tools, this study chooses 770 ninth-grade students enrolled in Zhudong, Zhubei and Jianshi of Hsinchu County as the research subjects to explore their relative salience, salience, and status of ethnic identity. By means of analyzing the responses of 585 valid questionnaires with different methods such as T-test, One-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation, we find that (1) around 80 percent of adolescents have only a low degree of ethnic identity relative salience; (2) adolescents generally have an over moderate level of ethnic identity salience; (3) about 60 percent of adolescents are currently in the moratorium status of ethnic identity; (4) adolescents of different ethnic backgrounds have significant differences in their ethnic identity, among which the aboriginals have the highest ethnic identity; (5) the better the adolescents’ mother tongue ability, the higher their ethnic identity; and (6) female adolescents have higher ethnic identity salience than male ones, adolescents of lower academic performance or lower socioeconomic status also have higher degree of ethnic identity relative salience, and the ethnic identity of adolescents living in Jianshi is higher than those living in Zhudong or Zhubei. Accordingly, we come up to the following conclusions: (1)Adolescents living in the Hsinchu area generally have a low degree of “ethnic identity relative salience” and the above moderate level of “ethnic identity salience.” (2)Adolescents who are aboriginal, with good mother tongue ability, poor academic performance, living in Jianshi, and lower socioeconomic status have relatively higher “ethnic identity relative salience.” (3)Adolescents who are aboriginal, with good mother tongue ability, female, and living in Jianshi have relatively higher “ethnic identity salience.” (4)Adolescents who are aboriginal, with good mother tongue ability and living in Jianshi have the “ethnic identity status” quite closer to “achievement.”


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