標題: 以「玩」為主題之設計創作
Product Design Inspired by the Play
作者: 王仕和
Wang, Shih-Ho
Chuang, Ming-Chen
關鍵字: 玩;玩具;童玩;產品設計;play;toy;folk game;product design
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 玩,為構成童年文化的主要元素,也是人們一生都不應該遺忘的天份。但研究發現,兒童玩具之設計,並非僅是將過去的傳統童玩,原封不動地加入到現代人的生活中。本創作從了解玩的內涵,玩具的產生,到台灣早期童玩的研究,最後完成一系列以「玩」為主題的創作設計。創作之宗旨,是將其中「玩」的成分萃取出來,轉化為一系列家飾用品設計。 創作過程中,先整理出台灣各式早期童玩,以及分析相關的國內外設計案例,並透過動手實作的方式,實驗出:彈珠台、凹面鏡玩具、掃描動畫、幫浦玩具、筷子槍、紙燈籠、翻身板、吉本方塊、視覺暫留紙盤,共九個概念。其後經彙整篩選其特性,以「玩兒 Player」作為系列主題,作品為《提凳子》、《翻日子》、《轉身子》三個產品設計。透過「提」、「翻」、「轉」等方式體驗玩的樂趣,講述使用者能像玩家一樣體驗產品,從動手操作並取得互動性。其創作成果參與2013年應用藝術所畢業聯展「結KNOT」的展出,獲得參與者的意見回饋,以作為後續改進之參考,完成創作歷程。
“Play” is the essential part in childhood, and it is also the gift that people should not lose. However, we cannot force to have the old folk games in our life nowadays. Therefore, our topic illustrates the connotation of play, the production of toys and the research of traditional folk games in early times in Taiwan. In the end, we use “play” this idea to create a series of works. Our purpose tries to refine the spirit of play and turn the connotation of works for the kids who have already grown into a series of home decorations. During the research and development times, we collect not only different traditional folk games but also some design cases, and make 9 concept models including pinball, concave mirror toy, scanimation, pump toy, chopstick rubber band gun, Chinese lantern, Jacob’s Ladder, Yoshimoto cube and Thaumatrope. After the repeated siftings and developing, we show three design works, which are “Holding the Stool”, “Turning the Sofa” and “Flipping the Calendar”. Their theme is named after “Player” which implies the user is just like a player. Additionally, our design concept stresses the handling and interaction by turning, rotating, and lifting to experience the enjoyment. Moreover, we also display our masterpieces “KNOT” in the Graduation Exhibition by Institute of Applied Arts, getting the feedback from the visitors, and finish the whole design case.


  1. 250301.pdf

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