Title: 光纖化頻譜編碼共軛焦顯微鏡-使用超連續展開光源
Fiber-based spectral encoded confocal microscope by using supercontinuum sources
Authors: 羅千雅
Lou, Chien-Ya
Chen, Ming-Che
Keywords: 共軛焦顯微鏡;Confocal Microscope
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 光學共軛焦顯微鏡(Confocal Microscopy)可以將三維結構做虛擬的光學切片,並且已經成為生物醫學或半導體研究上重要的造影工具。在傳統的光學共軛焦顯微鏡中,需要經由機械式的掃描反射鏡,來完成一二維甚至三維影像,其機械掃瞄的方式不僅增加了整個系統的體積、造價,更降低了成像速度,因此,本研究提出並展示了一種去機械式掃描之共焦顯微鏡。此研究利用寬頻光源,兩個對稱型的”頻譜-空間”轉換器以及一電荷耦合顯示器(Charge-coupled Device, CCD),將共焦顯微影像快速成像在CCD 上。在此研究中,我們採用光纖式的架構,取傳統共焦顯微鏡的針孔裝置,以增加量測系統的可彎曲度。研究結果顯示,利用對稱行波長編碼共軛焦顯微鏡掃描出來的resolution chart 影像上,可得到群數是7 組數是6,最佳解析度是:203.2 (lp/mm) 或2.46(μm),影像大小約為:300μm x 100μm。
Sectioned Images of a 3D structures can be acquired with a high resolution by the confocal microscopy. ,which has become an important tool for biomedical research or semiconductor inspection. In conventional optical confocal microscopes, mechanical scanners are usually needed to acquire 2D or 3D sectioned images. However, the mechanical scanners not only increases the overall system size, cost, but also reduces the image acquisition speed. In this research, we proposed and demonstrated a mechanical-scanning-free confocal microscopy using a supercontinuum light source, two symmetric wavelength-to-space convertors, and an uncooled CCD. The sectioned images can be projected to CCD immediately. Moreover, fiber-based system was utilized to remove the confocal pinhole. The best resolution was 2.46 (μm) with a 300μm x 100μm image size.
Appears in Collections:Thesis