標題: 輕資產策略與競爭優勢個案研究 – 德州儀器
Asset-Light Strategy and Competitive Advantage: A Case Study of Texas Instruments
作者: 潘艾生
Liou, Fen-May
關鍵字: 輕資產;競爭優勢;德州儀器;asset-light;Competitive Advantage;Texas Instruments
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 這份文件是針對德州儀器的輕晶圓生產策略所做的研究。這個策略基本上和輕資產策略是如出一轍的。二者都是整合元件製造商藉此將專注力全心放在他們的核心技術上,相較於其它的公司,能獲得更大的競爭優勢。競爭優勢在此的定義特別指的是,使公司獲得較以往更高利潤的能力,也就是,提升競優勢意味著取得更多利潤。 相關報導指出,德州儀器在輕晶圓生產策略的成功,已經迫使其它整合元件造商跟進。事實上的確有很多公司都發表聲明,正在朝這個方向努力。然而,從相關報導中,並沒有明確的數字來量化德州儀器在此一策略上所獲得的成功。 本篇論文便是透過量化的專案分析,S&P Compustat資料庫,及豐富的文章來驗證,試圖對德州儀器在輕資產策略上所獲得的成功,做更深入的分析。這份量化的個案研究將透過以下幾個觀察的重點來呈現。 (a) 輕資產策略對於德州儀器有多少美金的貢獻 (b) 假設此一策略真能帶給公司競爭優勢,本篇論文將指出,這樣的優勢能有多大,以及長期發展性。 (c) 假設有一個公司正試圖採行此一策略,在過程中需要注意的相關事項。
This study focuses on Texas Instruments deployment of its fab-light-strategy. This strategy is equivalent to the name Light-asset strategy wherein this is a new business model for the IDM firms where they try to focus on their core competency in which it is believe that it give its firm a competitive advantage over others. Competitive advantage is defined as the ability of a firm to generate returns above its normal return, therefore higher competitive advantage the higher one firms profit is. Reports and news are stating that TI or abbreviation for Texas Instruments success in implementing its fab-lite strategy is influencing other IDM to follow their steps and thus it is a fact now due to numerous firm announces its pursue in this new business model. However, there is no measurement given by report and news telling how success is TI is on that chosen strategy. This paper tries to have in-depth analysis of TI asset-light strategy, using quantitative case analysis, S&P Compustat database and numerous literatures to justify the success of the said firm. The quantitative case study provides several insights such as (a) How much in US$ is this light-asset strategy contributed to TI (b) If this strategy can give competitive advantage to one firm, this paper shows how big it is and its sustainability in long run. And (c) If one firms is pursuing this strategy, some pointers in the implementations.
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