Title: 利用實驗設計改善薄膜式觸控面板直通率-以I 公司為例
Using Design of Experiment to Improve Film CTP FPY- Case Study of I Company
Authors: 蕭唯倫
Hsiao, Wei-Lun
Tong, Lee-Ing
Keywords: 薄膜式觸控面板;實驗設計;直通率;變異數分析;Film capacitance type touch panel;Design of experiment;First pass yield;Analysis of Variance
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 近年來由於觸控面板的應用不斷提升,觸控功能幾乎成為消費性電子產品的必備選項,且成長幅度與市佔率更是逐年快速成長,所以許多電子製造商均積極爭食觸控面板此塊市場大餅,希望以不同的觸控技術與優異的品質爭取訂單,以提高公司營業收入;然而產品的良窳將影響著公司是否賺錢的主要因素,直通率(First Pass Yield, FPY)更是產品好壞的重要衡量指標。直通率不佳將造成生產成本增加;產品的製作Cycle time 變長;延遲出貨及良率的loss,更會有rework的工時浪費及造成客訴等等問題。 本研究是針對個案公司(I公司)的薄膜式的觸控(Film CTP)面板直通率不佳的改善,利用實驗設計法,找出其相關因子,並利用統計軟體,透過變異數分析(Analysis of variance, ANOVA)了解各顯著因子的影響後並藉由製程參數的最佳化達到改善直通率(First Pass Yield ,FPY)的目標。從執行改善後的結果研判,確認實驗設計法找出之主要因子,能夠有效的改善個案研究I公司的直通率。
Due to the continuously improvement on touch panel function, touch panel function becomes a requirement function for consumptive electronic products in the past few years. Therefore, the growth rate and market share of the touch panel even climb unbelievably high, and many electronic manufacturers aggressively enter the touch panel market by differentiating their products with their own technologies and excellent quality to gain more revenue. The first pass yield is an important quality index for touch panels. Low first pass yield will cause the increase in product cost, longer production cycle time, delaying the shipment, yield loss, and rework expenses, as well as increase in customer complaints. This study utilizes a Film Capacitive Touch Panel production company as a case study to improve the low first pass yield of the company by utilizing the Design of Experiments (DOE) to find the optimal parameter settings for producing the touch panels. The result indicates that the optimal parameter settings obtained by DOE can effectively improve the first pass yield.
Appears in Collections:Thesis