標題: 客家新聞報導之媒體議題建構---以全國客家日為例
Agenda setting of Hakka News—A Case Study of National Hakka Day
作者: 黃玉美
Huang, Yu-Mei
Lee, Mei-Hua
關鍵字: 全國客家日;天穿日;議題建構與設定;媒體再現與建構;客家意象;National Hakka Day;Ripped Sky Festival;Agenda Setting and Building;Media Representation and Construction;Hakka Image
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 摘 要 行政院客委會於2010年9月10日公佈客家天穿日(農曆正月二十日)為全國客家日,並從2011年,也就是建國一百年開始,在全國盛大舉辦各項慶祝活動,以彰顯客家族群文化的精神與內涵,一時之間,客家新聞的報導又多了一些議題。 隨著傳播科技的發達與普及,文化活動的推波助瀾與族群意識的建構有著密不可分的關係。對於客家族群深具意義的全國客家日,是代表全國性的客家形象,和地域性的節慶文化活動有著不一樣的影響力。根據上述背景,大眾媒體的報導如何建構和再現全國客家日議題,是一個相當值得重視的研究問題。 本研究以國內四大報紙,中國時報、聯合報、自由時報、蘋果日報於客家基本法公佈當年(即2010年)1月1日起至2012年6月30日期間所報導的全國客家日活動的文本作為分析對象。以『議題設定與議題建構』、『媒體再現與媒體建構』為理論架構,採內容分析與文本分析之研究方法,將台灣報紙媒體有關全國客家日之新聞報導文本計190則進行研究分析。 研究結果顯示,一、媒體對於客家基本法的報導簡略,客家議題仍以慶賀式文化活動為主;二、政治節慶的呈現,讓全國客家日是政治籌碼,說客語、辦客家活動是政治人物認同客家的表現;三、以神話傳說為主的全國客家日,各地活動以傳統民俗居多,且活動相似度高,報紙媒體多以綜合報導或連線報導方式介紹活動;四、強調傳統的思潮,要如何創新以達到全國客家日具國際視野的核心,並結合環保樂活的新生活觀,擴大產業觀光效應,值得關注;五、憂心母語斷層,客語傳承是媒體報導全國客家日活動中關注的焦點。
Abstract On the 10th of September in 2010, Hakka Affairs Council, Executive Yuan announced that Ripped Sky Festival (the 20th day of the first month in lunar calendar) would be the National Hakka Day. After the announcement, various celebratory activities have been grandly held by the Council to foster the spirit and connotation of the Hakka culture all over Taiwan since 2011, the 100th anniversary of the Republic of China. For a time, there are more issues to write about in Hakka news reports. With the advancement and popularity of communication technology, the promotion of the cultural activities proves to be closely related to the construction of ethnic awareness. For Hakka people, National Hakka Day significantly represents the nation-wide Hakka image and delivers the significance which cannot be achieved by regional festival cultural activities. According to the above background, how the mass media constructs and represent the agenda of National Hakka Day is a very important research issue. This study collects the news reports regarding National Hakka Day activities between January 1st, 2010 (the year Hakka Basic Act was announced) and June 30th, 2012 from the top 4 domestic newspapers: China Times, United Daily News, Liberty Times, and Apple Daily, and adopts those reports as the texts for analysis. Using “Agenda Setting and Building” and “Media Representation and Construction” as theory framework, this paper deploys content analysis and text analysis to research on the 190 news articles reporting the National Hakka Day from newspapers in Taiwan. In conclusion, the research reveals five phenomena: first, media still emphasized more on the celebratory aspects of the activities rather than the Hakka Basic Act. Second, National Hakka Day became a political leverage, enabling politicians to tie their identity to Hakka people by speaking Hakka and holding Hakka activities. Third, the core theme of National Hakka Day revolved around myths and legends, so the events were mostly about the traditional folk activities. Since each of them has many in common in terms of the contents, the National Hakka Day activities were merely briefly touched on in a summary report or breaking news. Fourth, we should stress on the traditional Hakka thoughts. It is essential to discuss how to deliver an innovative and international National Hakka Day with the new concept LOHAS and environmental protection, to promote and expand industrial tourism. Fifth, the inheritance of Hakka language was the main concern in National Hakka Day reports.


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