Title: CAN網路自動燒錄系統之研製
A Development of Automatic Encoding System for CAN Network
Authors: 游正育
Yu, Cheng-Yu
Liaw, Der-Cherng
Keywords: CAN通訊網路;人機介面;網路線上燒錄;CAN Network;GUI;Automatic Encoding System
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 汽車電子化的速度日漸劇增,針對車子的安全性和舒適性已於汽車中整合了多種感測器與電子控制單元用以實現更高速以及即時性的致動,由於汽車中感測器與電子控制單元的增加,其之間的資料種類及資料量也越來越多,然而隨著系統的複雜度增加,使得系統的表現更難以被預測及保證,因此更需要一高速且安全的車用通訊網路將其連接起來。 本論文以CAN控制器區域網路為基礎,針對其網路線上燒錄機制以及網路節點規劃的流程提出可行且合理的解決辦法。CAN是一個穩定性高並具有高度安全性的串列通訊網路,能有效支援分散式即時控制系統,使用優先權觸發排程可以隨時新增或移除網路節點,擁有較佳的網路彈性調整能力,但不易準確地預測網路的表現而可能導致網路訊息之間互相干擾。因此,本論文之研究目的為建構一CAN網路自動燒錄系統平臺,結合CAN車用網路通訊協定傳輸規格,在既有的學術基礎上,發展出一套符合實際運用的CAN車用網路整合開發系統人機介面。最後,藉由各種相關實驗結果,驗證本論文所建構之網路自動燒錄系統平臺之可行性和實用性。
The automotive electronic growing surge, for traffic safety and comfort ,integration of a variety of sensors and electronic control unit in the automotive, achieve a more high-speed and real-time actuation, with sensor and electronic control units increase, the data type and amount is growing up too. With the growing of complexity of these systems, the timing performance became harder to be guaranteed and predicted. And therefore need a high speed and secure network to connect. In this thesis, focuses will be taken on feasible method for automatic encoding system and procedure of network node planning based on Controller Area Network (CAN) communication system. CAN is a well-designed communication system with high reliability and security, and effectively support distributed real-time control systems. Priority-driven scheduling is more flexible but unpredictable. As the increasing number of CAN node messages, the schedulability of CAN messages became harder to predict. Hence, developing an automatic encoding system platform with combination of CAN network is core concept of this study. The method of automatic encoding system will be presented using on-board CAN node. At the end, an integrated GUI system for CAN network was created to help network designers to encode new CAN nodes properly. All the theories designed in this study will be verified by a variety of related experimental result.
Appears in Collections:Thesis