標題: XMMI-可延伸式人機介面系統
XMMI-eXtensible Man Machine Interface System
作者: 莊盟錫
關鍵字: 人機介面;可延式人機介面;可延伸式向量圖型;嵌入式系統;使用者介面;圖型化使用者介面;可延伸式標記語言;MMI;XMMI;SVG;Embedded System;User Interface;Graphical User Interface;XML;EUII;EUID
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 現今行動電話這類嵌入式系統上的軟體開發,忽略了嵌入式系統的一些特定功能,仍然是把它當成一般的電腦平台。XMMI的架構,是把嵌入式系統當成是單一的應用程式,例如:應用程式是“行動電話”,而行動電話的功能模組有電話簿、簡訊、…等。 本論文所提出的XMMI架構,利用XML描述狀態機的行為,將嵌入式系統操作流程描述在XML的檔案裡,不僅增加了開發的速度,也讓介面能更容易的做客製化及個人化的設定。藉由調整XML檔案不僅能改變圖形化介面的外觀,進一步也可以對機器的運作方式做調整。
Because the current application development on embedded system usually ignores its specific functionalities, the methodology of developing applications remains the same as that of a general desktop platform. The proposed XMMI architecture treats the embedded system itself as a single application from software perspective. For example: Cellular phone can be considered as an application with functional modules such as phone book, short message service, etc. XMMI architecture describes the behavior of state machine using XML descriptions that recorded embedded system’s operational process. This approach could achieve customization/personalization easily and speed up the manufacturing procedure. It could change not only the GUI style, but also the mode of operations of embedded system by modifying XML descriptions.


  1. 357801.pdf

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