標題: XMMI v3.0 – 行動裝置介面客製化系統與在個人電腦平台上之模擬器
XMMI v3.0 – Customize Interface System for mobile device and the Simulator on PC platform
作者: 賴宗彥
Zong-Yan Lai
Chia-Hoang Lee
關鍵字: 客製化;視覺化元件;介面;XMMI;MVC;Interface;Component
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 隨著行動裝置的普遍性與應用廣泛地發展,如何讓使用者能夠定義介面,即軟體與硬體的溝通橋梁,將會是一門課題。利用XMMI v3.0,使用者可以利用編輯器自行編改行動裝置介面的視覺性與操作,並且即時模擬。 第三代可延伸人機介面系統(XMMI v3.0)包含了5個元素:行動裝置介面架構(MIF, Mobile Interface Framework),行動裝置介面描述語言(MIDL, Mobile Interface Description Language),行動裝置介面編輯系統(MIES, Mobile Interface Edit System),行動裝置介面模擬器(MIS, Mobile Interface Simulator),行動模擬創造器(MSC, Mobile Simulator Creator)。本篇論文將著重於MIF,MIDL,MIS,MSC上的探討。
With the generality and extensive development of mobile device, how to let users define their own interface which communicate with hardware and software will be an important topic. By using XMMI v3.0, users can utilize editor to modify the vision and operation of interface, then simulate immediately. XMMI v3.0 contains five components: Mobile Interface Framework(MIF), Mobile Interface Description Language(MIDL), Mobile Interface Simulator(MIS), Mobile Interface Edit System (MIES), Mobile Simulator Creator (MSC). This essay will notice the treat of MIF, MIDL, MIS and MSC.


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