标题: 应用卫星资料探讨地表温度
Research the application of satellite data in LST
作者: 周伯鸿
Jou, Bo-Hung
Shih, Tian-Yuan
Lin, Tang-Huang
关键字: 大台北地区、地表温度、Landsat TM、土地利用、地热、火山区域;Greater Taipei Region, Landsat, Land Surface Temperature, Land Cover/Land Use, Geothermal Anomaly, Volcanic Area
公开日期: 2013
摘要: 随着台湾的经济与科技的发展,大台北地区的建设不断地扩增,因而改变了周遭的环境,造成地表温度的差异日益明显,此即为典型都市发展之现象,原地表天然的植被渐渐的被人工铺面所取代,地表温度的分布亦随之改变。为探讨近地表热环境的异常,本研究使用2000年至2003年Landsat的红外频道影像,首先针对北台湾地区所反演地表温度分布的特性进行研究,其次为结合常态化差异植生指数(Normalised Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI )、常态化差异含水量指数(Normalised Difference Water Index, NDWI )、常态化差异建物指数(Normalised Difference Building Index, NDBI )等指数,分别以定性和定量的方式分析土地利用之空间分布情形,并探讨不同覆盖物与地表温度分布间之相关性。另一方面,由于大屯火山群位于台湾北部地区,其所潜含的地热能量亦将影响地表温度之呈现。因此,除土地利用类型外,本研究亦将针对卫星红外频道资料在火山区地热异常勘查的潜能及可行性进行探讨,亦即藉由分析其在时间序列上的变化,针对不同季节间温度差异,来找寻可能的地热分布区。整体研究结果显示,地表温度与地物的含水量呈反比,与地物裸露地程度呈正比;同时,透过分析卫星反演地表温度之相对变化,亦可呈现火山区域可能的分布位置。
With the expanding and growth in both economy and technology of the greater metropolitan Taipei in the recent decades, the change of its surrounding environment, such as the land surface temperature contrast between day and night time, is getting obvious. The coverage of natural vegetation area is replaced by artificial pace, which is often seen in a developing city. It is expected that the land surface temperature distribution is no longer in similar patterns from past to current. To investigate the near-surface thermal phenomenon in association with environmental change, this study is proposed to utilize the infrared imagery from Landsat during 2000 to 2003. The characteristics of the retrieved land surface temperature (LST) from Landsat observation in the northern part of Taiwan are analysed. Those indices from NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index), and NDBI (Normalized Difference Building Index) are examined for the correlation with land use qualitatively and quantitatively. The correlation between different land cover and LST is investigated as well.
On the other hand, the potential geothermal energy in conjunction with LST is discussed in this study due to Datun volcano is in the vicinity of metropolitan Taipei. Through the change in LST from time series analysis in four seasons, this study would like to identify the volcanic area from geothermal anomalies in Landsat infrared observation. The result suggests that LST is in a negative correlation with soil moisture content, while LST has a positive correlation with the portion of bare soil. The spatial distribution of possible volcano location could be identified through the analysis of temporal change in Landsat LST.


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