Title: 物聯網於物業管理的應用與分析
Internet of Things in the Application of Property Management
Authors: 劉月秋
Shyu, Joseph Z.
Keywords: 物業管理;物聯網;創新密集服務分析模式;服務價值活動;外部資源;知識密集服務;Property Management;Internet of Things;service analysis mode of creative-intensive;activity of service value;external resource;service of knowledge-intensive
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 物業管理(Property Management)從以往勞力密集的建築物管理維護朝向多角化發展,拓展至高附加價值的商業支援、資產管理及生活服務業務,核心知識亦從建築及房地產拓展至經營、財務、心理、環境、工程及資訊系統。物聯網(Internet of Things)特徵是提供“無處不在的連接和線上服務”(UbiquitousConnectivity),其具備的基本功能,可實現對萬物的高效、節能、安全、環保的管、控、營一體化,正好適用於物業管理的產業變革,也使物業管理業者有創新的機會。 本研究應用創新密集服務分析(IIS)模式架構,分析對象為物業管理業者, 範圍為建物與環境維護與生活與商業服務,以物聯網為基礎而發展出物業管理在各層間連結所需之要素、應用服務,並探討物業管理業者的策略方向。 研究結果顯示,應用物聯網的物業管理業者目前所擬定之策略目標:根據流程創新(Process Innovation)提供特定服務(Restricted Service),達成難度較高;未來廠商可考慮投入較多資源於服務價值活動與外部資源之補強建構上,或重新尋找新的策略定位,如根據流程創新(Process Innovation)提供專屬服務(Unique Service)或結構創新(Structural Innovation)提供專屬服務(Unique Service),較易完成策略與營運模式之轉型,此部分與專家意見之結論相同,專家認為,應用物聯網的物業管理業者目前的營運模式與定位主要為藉由流程創新提供特定服務;未來的策略走向,嘗試朝向以結構創新來提供專屬型服務。 物業管理業者為朝向物聯網應用發展,建議可藉由外部專業人士及物聯網應用進行異業聯盟策略,提供完整價值鏈及客戶更多元及客製化服務。透過物聯網收集資訊與分析工具,掌握市場需求概況、提高用戶滿意程度,以發掘潛在客戶。
Property management is developed from labor-intensive management to diversity nowadays. It expends to high-value-added business support, asset management and life service. The core of knowledge is also extended from construction and real estate to business operation, finance, psychology, environment, engineering and information system. The character of Internet of Things is Ubiquitous Connectivity and online service. With this concept, the objects can be operated, managed and controlled more efficiency, power saving and safety. It is matched the revolution of property management industry and provide the chance of innovation. The model structure of innovation-intensive service (IIS) is applied for this research. The target is the companies of property management; the range is between building/environment maintenance and life/business services. Based on the Internet of Things to develop the required elements between different levels or applications from management of property, and then discuss the ways of strategy. According to the research, the strategy of Internet of Thing companies is focused on the Restricted Service which is based on the Process Innovation. The companies should consider allocating more resources to the value of service activities and enhance the constructions between external resources, otherwise the goal may difficult to achieve. Reposition the marketing strategy is an option for transformation of business operating model. For example, the companies can provide the Unique Service based on the Process Innovation or Structural Innovation respectively. The experts have same opinions as mentioned above. They advise the operating model and position of these companies should provide Restricted Service based on the Process Innovation, and look forward to the Unique Service based on Structural Innovation in the future.They advise the operating model and position of these companies should replace the Restricted Service based on the Process Innovation by Unique Service based on Structural Innovation in the future. In conclusion, strategic alliance with different business sectors maybe is an option of way out for developing Internet of Things. The companies can cooperate with external specialists; provide a complete set of value chain, diversified service and service customization. By collecting the information from Internet of Things and analyzing, these data can be utilized to understand the market trend and demand, improve the satisfaction for users, or even find out the potential customers.
Appears in Collections:Thesis