標題: 使用者輔助的模型化簡
User-Assisted Mesh Simplification
作者: 彭其瀚
Chuang Jung Hong
關鍵字: 多精細度模型;模型化簡;使用者輔助模型化簡;level of detail;mesh simplification
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 針對即時演算的應用,多精細度模型技術可以產生多種解析度的模型以供使用.但研究者發現現有的技術無法產生品質令人滿意的多邊型極少量的化簡結果.這是因為現有技術沒有考量主觀或功能性參數,並且各種技術各有其優缺點.為了突破此限制,我們提出了一互動式的化簡系統,其可供使用者對化簡結果進行改善的作業.我們的作法分為兩大部分,第一部份是以改變化簡順序的方式來進行模型改善,第二部份則是一種針對小區域改善的工具.我們的系統主要的優點在於提供使用者一種可預測,可量化的方法來控制模型改善的流程.本系統是以一3ds max的plugin的方式來呈現,所以使用者可以很容易地將本系統整合至數位內容創作的流程.
Many simplification methods have been proposed to generate multiresolution models for real-time rendering applications. Practitioners have found that these methods fail to produce satisfactory result when models of very low polygon count are desired. This is due to the fact that the existing methods take no semantic or functional metric into account, and moreover, each simplification metric has its own strength and weakness as well in preserving geometric features. To overcome such limitations, we propose an interactive system that allows users to refine unsatisfactory regions on any level of simplification. Our approach consists of two stages. The first stage involves modifying the simplification order to postpone the collapsing for edges in the unsatisfactory regions. The second stage is a local refinement tool aiming to provide fine tuning on the simplified meshes. The major advantage of our approach is that our system provides a predictable and quantifiable control over the refining process. The system is packed as a 3ds Max plugin, so users can easily integrate our system into the digital content creation process.


  1. 755401.pdf

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