標題: 基於Maxband模型之連鎖交通號誌改善策略
A Coordination Control Strategy Based on Maxband Model for Signalized Intersections in Arterial Systems
作者: 柯景祥
Ke, Jing-Siang
Jan, Rong-Hong
關鍵字: 交通號誌;traffic signal
公開日期: 2013
摘要:   近年來,經濟快速發展除了帶動許多都市開發,並提高人民的交通代步工具持有,該現象可能產生交通壅塞效應,尤其在人口相對較多的都市區域更為嚴重,因此,如何運用現有科技如大眾智慧運輸系統 (Intelligent Transportation System, ITS )改善交通號誌現有問題,成為相關研究重要的課題之一。為求有效紓解交通壅塞,交通號誌控制方法由獨立路口為始發展,持續演進如幹道與路網連鎖性交通號誌控制,以降低各路口平均車輛延滯時間、車輛停等次數,提升其服務水準。先前交通號誌控制方法為利用歷史車流相關資訊作號誌規劃,然而交通狀況變化快速,此種方式難以反應實際車流變化,在先進感測與通訊網路結合下,使得能夠即時根據車流量等相關資訊即時的進行交通號誌控制。   本研究將以幹道連鎖性交通號誌控制為基礎,藉由車輛感測器與通訊設施監測取得各路口流量資訊,並以此針對各路口車輛延滯影響程度分析決定是否延長現行燈號,以達最小平均延滯時間。
 Due to economic development and urbanization, traffic congestion has become a serious problem in urban environments. Therefore, combining the advanced traffic management systems and the advanced technologies (e.g., Intelligent Transportation System, ITS) would raise the value in traffic signal control.  In this thesis, we propose a coordination control strategy for signalized intersections in arterial systems. By collecting traffic information from vehicle sensors and roadside detectors, we jointly consider how the above factors impact to the delay of ordinary vehicles. Simulation results show that our system can significantly reduce total waiting time and stopping times.


  1. 611001.pdf

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