標題: 代言人可信度對女性消費者購買彩妝品行為影響之研究─以台北市地區女性消費者為例
The Study on the Impact of the Credibility of Spokesperson on Female Consumers Purchasing Behavior of Cosmetics─The Case of Female Consumers in Taipei City
作者: 黃培安
Huang, Pei-An
Chen, Quang-Hua
關鍵字: 彩妝品;代言人可信度;消費者行為;購買實態;Cosmetics;Credibility of Spokesperson;Consumer Behavior;Purchasing Behavior
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 從古至今,女人對於美的追求從未停息,不管是在東方還是西方,對於如何遮掩自己的缺點、美化自己的容貌,一直都是女性心中最重視的問題之一。綜觀台灣彩妝品市場,隨著科技和經濟的發展,彩粧品產品不斷推陳出新,加劇了各家業者的激烈競爭,如何獲得消費者青睞,成為廠商最關注的問題;在眾多行銷方式中,又以廣告代言人為最普遍之行銷手法。因此本研究從彩妝品的代言人可信度切入,探討其如何影響女性消費者的購買行為。 本研究採用EKB消費者行為模式,分析在彩妝品購買行為上,台北市女性消費者基本特徵與購買實態、資訊來源、購買動機以及產品屬性上的差異;而代言人可信度構面,使用Chanthika et al(2003)提出的專業性、可靠性、吸引力等三項來衡量,探討其對購買行為之影響。結果顯示不同人口統計變數對於購買實態、資訊來源、產品屬性、代言人可信度上皆有顯著差異;不同年齡、教育程度、可支配所得對於購買動機有顯著差異。另外本研究用代言人可信度及購買實態進行相關分析,發現代言人可信度中專業性、可靠性會正向影響女性消費者之消費頻率及消費金額。本研究根據以上發現提出管理意涵,以供彩妝品相關業者參考。
Whether in the East or the West, women always care about how to hide their own shortcomings and beautify their appearance. Overview Taiwan's cosmetics market, with the technological and economic development, there are more and more new cosmetics product. The competition between cosmetics operators also become more intense. The most important issue for the operators is how to get consumers favor. This study uses the credibility of Spokesperson to find out how it influences female consumers purchasing behavior of cosmetics. We use EKB consumer behavior model to analyze the difference between the basic characteristics of female consumers in Taipei and purchasing behavior、information sources、purchase motivations and product attributes. The spokesperson credibility dimensions, using Chanthika et al (2003) proposed the professionalism, reliability, attractiveness to explore the impact of purchasing behavior. The results show there will be significant difference on different demographic variables for the purchasing behavior、 information sources、product attributes and spokesperson credibility. And there will be significant difference on different age、educational level and disposable income for the purchase motivations. Finally we found spokesperson credibility of professionalism and reliability will positively affect the female consumer spending frequency and the amount of consumption. Based on the above findings , the study also propose some suggestions for cosmetics operators.
Appears in Collections:Thesis