Title: 品牌形象與涉入程度影響購買平板電腦意願之研究
The Effects of Brand Image and Involvement on Purchasing Intention – in Tablets Market
Authors: 向龍賢
Hsiang, Lung-Hsien
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: 品牌形象;涉入程度;購買意願;Brand Image;Involvement;Purchase Intention
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 平板電腦即將於2013年第四季出貨量超過個人電腦,顯示出平板電腦已經漸漸地進入大部份人生活的一部分。舉凡工作、娛樂、學習等一般生活,都與其多不了關係。因此,廠商們無不用盡全力,在平面廣告、電腦資訊展場等地方促銷自家產品,也用各種折扣方式來迎合消費者的需求。然而,消費者是如何選擇該廠商之產品?是因為品牌形象的效應來驅使消費者購買?還是因為消費者本身就已注意該產品?另外,又有哪些人口統計變數的性質會影響到購買意願以及其他原因? 本研究以網路問卷的形式發放,共得到299份有效問卷。先以敘述統計找出樣本形態,再以因素和信度分析來確認問題問項;接著使用多元迴歸分析來找出品牌形象與購買意願之關係以及涉入程度與購買意願之關係,最後使用單因子多變量分析來分析品牌形象中之經驗功能性與象徵性、涉入程度中之產品涉入與購買涉入和購買意願之間與人口統計變數是否有差異。 研究發現,好的品牌形象能有助於提升消費者購買平板電腦之意願,而對於平板電腦涉入越深,越能夠有效地提升消費者購買平板電腦之意願。在品牌印象中、涉入程度中以及購買意願中,人口統計變數中不同的變數也各有對其有不同的效果存在。
Tablets shipments are going to be overtaking personal computers at the fourth quarter in 2013. They show that using tablets become part of life stage by stage. No matter working, entertainment, learning and etc. all relate with tablets nowadays. As a result, all tablets firms use all kinds of ways to promote their own products. For example, they show it by printing ads and participating in Multimedia Computer Show to contact consumers. However, how do consumer choose their tablets? Because the brand image effect derive from? Because of consumer themselves? In addition to these , what kinds of demographic variable traits would effect purchase intension and others? These Research samples are collected by the way of network questionnaires, and all we obtain is 299 pieces of the effective questionnaires. First of all, we use description statistic to descript our sample, and then use factor analysis and reliability analysis to identify our constructs. Then we use multiple regression analysis to measure the relationship between brand image and purchase intention, and the relationship between involvement and purchase intention. At last, we use analysis of variance to measure the relationship between demographic variable and brand image, involvement and purchase intention. We find that great brand image would increase the tablets consumer purchase intention. The more we involve in tablets, the more intention we want to purchase them. The demographic variables would have different effect performs for different constructs.
Appears in Collections:Thesis