標題: 應用限制理論之需求拉動補貨模式與緩衝管理於LED製造廠存貨管理改善研究-以L公司為例
Improving LED Inventory Efficiency Through TOC Demand-Pull and Buffer Management–A Case Study of L Company
作者: 劉昀甄
Liu, Yun-Chen
Chang, Yung-Chia
關鍵字: 限制理論;需求拉動補貨模式;緩衝管理;長鞭效應;供應鏈;TOC;Demand-Pull;Buffer Management;Bullwhip Effect;Supply Chain
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 在環保議題越來越受到全球重視之情形下,LED省電、高亮、耐用耐震的特性,使其成為21世紀新綠色能源之一,全球企業無一不看好LED產業,其未來的發展及龐大的商機讓各國企業爭相投資,中國大陸政府為扶持其LED產業更提供多項投資優惠措施予國內外LED企業,此政策使得全球競爭更加激烈,然而因全球經濟環境受到歐債風暴的影響,LED相關需求的成長受到限制,市場需求亦越趨不穩定,供應鏈中的企業更加謹慎地關注庫存量的波動,相對的客戶臨時性急單需求因而增加,然而庫存量若無法滿足客戶臨時性需求,反而失去客戶信心以及未來合作機會。本研究針對個案公司內部供應鏈,利用限制理論之需求拉動補貨模式與緩衝管理來了解限制理論的配銷管理系統是否可改善個案公司因需求預測不準確所造成之庫存問題,並改善個案公司存貨管理績效,以提升營運績效。
Environment related issues have become increasingly important globally. Low power consumption, high brightness and durability have made LED become one of the environment friendly products in the 21st century. The huge business opportunities of LED cause the attention of many companies and countries around the world. Chinese government even provides lots of investment incentives to its local and foreign companies in order to develop their own LED industry; in the meanwhile, those related investing preferential policies brings keen competition to the LED market. However, global economy has been impacted due to European Debt Crisis in recent years, all related demands of LED has been reduced and become unstable. LED companies in the supply chain control their stock strictly and increase urgent orders relatively. However, if urgent demands cannot be fulfilled in time, the LED companies would lose confidences and the future opportunities from their customers. This study adopts TOC Demand-Pull and Buffer Management, which is an outstanding and effective model, on L Company to improve the inventory efficiency caused by unstable demands.
Appears in Collections:Thesis