Title: 組織支架之力學行為
The Mechanical Properties of Three-Dimensional Foam Scaffolds
Authors: 楊政南
Yang, Jheng-Nan
Jang, Wen-Yea
Lin, Keng-hui
Keywords: 組織支架;微流控法;機械參數;Cellular foam scaffolds;Microfluidics;Mechanical properties
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本研究主要目的在製造孔洞大小均一且規則排列之三維組織支架,並探討其各項機械參數。首先採用微流控法產生規則氣泡排列堆疊,製造出孔洞大小均一的三維組織支架。接著進行組織支架微觀結構觀察,並仿照其幾何特徵建立具代表性之解析及有限元素數值模型。解析模型配合能量法,本研究推導了組織支架之各項機械參數如彈性模數、剪力模數等之解析式;數值模型則用於各機械參數之數值模擬。外本研究也製造出組織支架的原型模型,進行力學實驗以量測其彈性模數。實驗結果與模擬結果相符,也驗證了數值模型之正確性。
The present study aims to investigate the mechanical properties of three-dimensional cellular foam scaffolds for cell culturing. Three-dimensional ordered cellular scaffolds with various relative densities were first manufactured using an approach based on microfluidics. Systematic characterization on the microstructural geometry of the foam scaffold was subsequently performed. Analytical as well as FEM models were then developed based on the geometric features measured. Mechanical parameters such as the elastic modulus, the Poisson’s ratio and the shear modulus were established analytically as well as numerically. Meanwhile, experimental result on the elastic modulus was also obtained by testing a prototype model. Experimental and numerical results agree well to each other which in turn justify the validity of the FEM models.
Appears in Collections:Thesis