標題: 一個為年長者設計以WebRTC為基礎之視訊對話系統
A WebRTC-based video conferencing system for seniors
作者: 蔡沛勳
Tsai, Pei-Shiun
Yuan, Shyan-Ming
關鍵字: 視訊會議;Eler-friendly;WebRTC
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 隨著科技的進步,傳統的語音對話已經無法滿足使用者的需求,視訊對話逐漸地成為一種通話的方式。目前市面上也提供了許多成熟且免費的視訊對話服務,然而對於年長者而言,學習新的科技是不方便的,而且這些視訊對話的服務並沒有針對年長者特別設計,所以這些服務對於年長者來說是不容易操作的,使得年長者並沒有意願去使用這些新的技術。
在這篇論文中,我們專注在年長者的使用需求。本研究利用HTML5, WebRTC等技術,開發出一個專門為年長者設計的視訊對話介面,年長者在這個系統中不需要太多複雜的操作就可以進行視訊對話,另外也將本系統和電視結合在一起,年長者在看電視的時候只需要透過電視遙控器可以進行視訊對話的服務,並且在對話過程中會將使用者的影像紀錄下來分享給其他朋友觀看。
With the technology growing, traditional communication way is insufficient to meet everyone needs. Video chatting is gradually become more and more popular. There are many mature and free video chatting tools to use on the internet. However, for senior citizens, learning news is much more difficult, none of them are design for senior citizens, so that it is too hard for elder to use it, it is result in the elder have no wish to learn new things.
Therefore, in this thesis, we focus on the needs of elder adults; this study use HTML5 and WebRTC to propose a video chatting system designed for senior citizens, the elder can video chatting without complex operation. In addition, we also combine it into the television, the elder can use remoter controller to watch television and chat to people at the same time. After chatting, the system will upload the chatting video to server and elder can share it to friends.
In the experiment, the result shows that the senior citizens is interesting in this system, also, the elder thinks that the system is very useful, feel comfortable to use it. They can learn this system quickly