Title: Web視訊會議系統平台
Internet web base video conference platform
Authors: 林道棟
Limpanapongthep, Pat
Yuan, Shyan-Ming
Keywords: 網際網路視訊會議平台;網際網路視訊串流;視訊會議;RTMP;Flash
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 隨著科技的進步與網際網路的普及,越來越多跨區甚至跨國的團隊在開發與合作,如何有兼具效率、節省成本的快速達成溝通目的變成了跨區域團隊合作的重要課題。在眾多溝通管道中,又以會議是主要的討論與溝通管道。已現今主要的跨區域開會討論的方式便是視訊會議。因此在本論文中透過Flash Platform的技術結合SlideShare雲端服務來建立一個支援即時影音、文字訊息與投影片整合同步的Web視訊會議系統平台。不論會議主持人與會議參與人都不需要安裝或購買其他的軟硬體設備,只要夠過瀏覽器就可以使用以達到降低會議成本與快速遠距溝通的目的。
Internet and related technology is growing up, many and many teams co-working, developing and corporation cross area and country. How to reduce cost and improve effectiveness of communication is becoming the most important topic now. Meeting is the most major channel for discussion and communication. The most convenient way for the meeting cross different areas will be video conference.

This paper will cover how to implement / build up the internet real time video conference platform with Flash related technology and SlideSharing cloud service.

There are not any plug-in or application have to be install for conference host or attendee . This system can support anyone who have the internet browser to use it.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079779510
Appears in Collections:Thesis