標題: 光纖中謝倫可夫輻射之模擬分析
Numerical Analyses of Cherenkov Radiation inside Optical Fibers
作者: 林偉翔
Chen, Ming-Che
關鍵字: 謝倫可夫輻射;有限時域差分法;Cherenkov radiation;finite difference time domain
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 光纖中的謝倫可夫輻射是一項具有高效率地短波長頻段轉換技術,其產生機制起源於高階光孤子分裂的概念。在本實驗室的硬體實驗中,我們產生了轉換效率高達40%,平均功率高達250 mW的謝倫可夫輻射,此高功率的謝倫可夫輻射已經被應用來產生雙光子螢光顯微鏡、倍頻顯微鏡及光學同調斷層掃描術,及本實驗室現在也正在作波長可調高頻頻域光子傳播技術,未來極有潛力作為受激拉曼顯微鏡之用。
Fiber optic Cherenkov radiation (CR) is an efficient technique to convert a laser pulse to shorter wavelength range. The generation mechanism of Cherenkov radiation is mainly based on the concept of high-order soliton fission. In our experiment, we have demonstrated high wavelength conversion efficient (>40%) and average output power (>250 mW) Cherenkov radiation. This radiation has been utilized for multi-photon fluorescence microscopy, multi-harmonic generation microscopy, and optical coherence tomography. Also we have been doing frequency-domain photon migration. The multi-wavelength source shows great potential for stimulated Raman scattering microscopy in the future.
In order to reduce the expense of time and money during experiment and to exactly understand the evolution of Cherenkov radiation in fibers, we use the finite difference time domain method to simulate the temporal and spectral evolution of femtosecond laser pulses inside photonic crystal fiber. Numerical simulations reveal three mechanisms during propagation: the emergence of fundamental soliton, the red-shift of soliton, and the Cherenkov radiation in short wavelength spectrum.We simulate the dependence of Cherenkov radiation on pump pulse parameters and its evolution during the propagation. The correctness of numerical method was verified by experimental results. We hope that we will predict the temporal and spectral property of Cherenkov radiation before the experiment by using the simulation software.In the end of thesis, we demonstrate the method to improve the efficiency of Cherenkov radiation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis