標題: 「我」是誰? 透過平行書寫辨識「我」之研究
Who am “ I ”? A study about “ I ” through parallel writing
作者: 詹宗智
Chan, Tsung-Chih
Hsu, Shao-Ling
關鍵字: 列維納斯;海德格;拉崗;齊澤克;存有;精神分析;主體;自我;平行書寫;Levinas;Heidegger;Lacan;Žižek;Being;psychoanalysis;subject;ego;parallel writing
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本文為研究「主體意義」的主題,以筆者自身的生命經驗文本出發,從問「我是誰」的意義問題切入,纏繞著主體在經驗上難以言說的模糊地帶,延續到探問「我」這個詞彚所指涉的主體界定與構成。 在研究法的選擇上,採用相關主題的思想家著作所提供的相關概念,透過「平行書寫」(parallel writing)的研究法,進行筆者持自身的經驗,去與思想家的經驗及概念進行理解、對話與書寫的整理過程。 本研究從現象學的存有描述入手,藉Levinas的《從存在到存在者》描述主體在尚未成型或已然瓦解時的「無名狀態」(il y a/non-naming),以及該狀態的種種特徵。銜接Heidegger在《存在與時間》中對「世界中之主體」的種種與主體相關的「世界」概念,及主體在世界中「活下去/延續」的方式,與「無名狀態」共同構成理解「主體」概念的整個背景。 接著以此整體背景為藍本,再透過Eco的Semiotics(符號學)、Lacan、Žižek的精神分析知識對此藍本進行精神分析學的改寫,突出以符號、欲望、驅力…等概念共組的主體構成,並透過前述概念分析符號主體、欲望主體、驅力主體在封閉與開放之間的形態,也由此探問符號主體的「我」得以在意義上發生轉圜的原理及可能契機。
This study aims to explore the theme of “ subjective meaning ”, which uses my own life experience as an inspiration to break through by asking the meaning of “ Who am I ? ”. Entangled in the subject’s experience of the unspeakable, it also extends to inquire the definition and construction of the subject that involves in the meaning of “ I ” . In choosing a method, I adopted relevant concepts developed by several thinkers who are closely related to this subject matter, and through a way of “ parallel writing ” I will use my own experience to understand, communicate and to write with these thinkers’ experience and concepts. This study also starts from the description of existence in the phenomenology, particularly in Levinas’s description in Existence and Existents, in which he describes the not-yet-formed subject or the disintegrated “non-naming status” (il y a) and various traits of such condition. Furthermore, this study will also link to Heidegger’s various concepts on the “world” that are related to the subject’s “being in the world” that he developed in Being and Time, and the joint the non-naming status for the whole background of understanding the “Subject”. Using these above theoretical concepts as whole, I will try to rewrite it through a psychoanalytical approach based on Eco’s A Theory of Semiotics and Lacan and Žižek’s psychoanalysis, in order to emphasize the subject that is constructed by signs, desire, and the drives. It is further to analyze the forms of the subject of signs, desire, and the drives between the closure and opening, so as to explore a new theoretical approach that can occur in the meaning of the “ I ” .


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