標題: 性別差異對消費者自我贈禮行為後情緒調節結果之影響-以展望理論觀點分析
The Effect of Gender Difference in mood-regulatory after Self-gifting-A Prospect Theory Perspective
作者: 曾麗娟
Tseng, Li-Chuan
Tang, Ying-Chan
關鍵字: 性別差異;自我贈禮行為;情緒調節;展望理論;Gender Difference;Self-gifting;mood-regulatory;Prospect Theory
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 送禮文化是人與人互動的重要一環,除了送禮物給他人的人際贈禮之外,買禮物送給自己的自我贈禮行為也是送禮文化的一種。近年來伴隨著單身人口的增加,使自我贈禮的消費行為越來越常見。消費者自我贈禮行為後的目的,無不預期一個正向的情緒結果,然而,在自我贈禮行為的過程中,其實伴隨著負向的情緒結果,且男女性別角色的差異,也會使自我贈禮行為後的情緒結果有所不同。本研究的目的在分析,不同自我贈禮行為參考框架下,在展望理論的價值函數中,正向與負向情緒之間的關係,以及分析性別對模糊容忍程度的差異對自我贈禮行為的影響。 本研究採2x2x2的三因子實驗設計,分別以自我贈禮動機、花費金額佔可支配所得比例高低,以及禮物類型為三個操作變數,共八種不同的自我贈禮情境框架。透過探索性因素分析、多變量變異數分析,發現自我贈禮動機為「犒賞」時,情緒調節後的正面結果較強烈;花費金額佔可支配所得比例相對較高時,以及選擇耐久型禮物下,情緒調節後的負面結果較強烈。性別差異也會顯著影響自我贈禮行為後的情緒調節結果,但不同性別的模糊容忍程度無差異,並且對自我贈禮行為後情緒調節結果無顯著差異。 綜合以上結果,選擇正面的情境促動消費者自我贈禮行為,會比起負面的情境促動的效果更好,並且在消費者越來越重視生活品質的情況下,為避免因物質主義所帶來的負面效果,可以提供較多的體驗式消費選擇。
Gift-giving is an essential component of interpersonal interaction. Instead of giving gifts to others, buying a gift to oneself is also a part of gift-giving culture. Recently, in consequence of single population increasing, self-gifting is more and more common in consumer behavior. By self-gifting, people will expect a positive result of mood-regulation; however, the truth is that here comes a negative result which is not discussed. Besides, gender difference will also influence the result. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between positive and negative results of mood-regulation under several different self-gifting behavior frame by applying the value function of prospect theory, and analyze how gender difference in ambiguity intolerance will affect consumers’ self-gifting behavior. This study adopts a 2×2×2 (reward and therapy self-gifting motivation× high and low present’s cost× durable and non-durable product type) experiment. Through exploratory factor analysis, and MANOVA, the results reveal: when self-gifting motivation is "reward", the result of mood-regulation is significantly to be positive; when the cost of the gift account a relatively high percentage of disposable income and choose a durable product as the gift, the results of mood-regulation is more likely to be negative. Gender differences significantly affect the result of mood-regulation. By the contrast, there is no gender difference on the intolerance of ambiguity, therefore, no significant difference on the result of mood- regulation after self-gifting. In conclusion, comparing to a negative self-gifting scenario, a positive self-gifting scenario has greater impact to consumers’ behavior. Moreover, since consumers concern about their living quality more and more, business can provide more “experience marketing” in order to avoid the side effects of materialism.