標題: 一個提供服務存取控制的整合式近場通訊平台
An Integrated NFC Platform Providing Service-based Access Control
作者: 廖珈媛
Liao, Chia-Yuan
Lo, Chi-Chun
關鍵字: 近場通訊;服務導向存取控制;Near Field Communication;TSM;Service-based access control
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 行動付款於今日蔚為風潮,各家通信業者推出的智慧型手機更搭載了NFC功能(Near Field Communication,NFC).期許能將信用卡、電子票券、識別證等多元業務迅速整合,以手機為電子錢包來支付款項。   也因為NFC手機電子裝置整合了通信業者、信用卡發行業者及特約商店等異業結盟。如何提供一整合平台並設計消費者於手機端的操作流程來完成各項服務的開通手續;以及消費者使用服務時,如何驗證手機內儲存的服務資訊,提供適當的服務選擇遂成為應用上的一個議題。   本論文在NFC標準上建立一個整合平台來探討服務申請及使用的資料流,並訂定了通用的訊息溝通格式,以Service-based Access Control 的方式,將服務與所需個人資料快速媒合,最後我們也在Android開發環境實做一個NFC Platform application,通過安全性分析,我們驗證了此平台的實用性及安全性。
The Near Field Communication and related mobile applications have received a growing world-wide attention. More and more NFC-enabled Smart phones are available, like Samsung Galaxy S III and Google Nexus, making mobile phones as electronic purse. Consumers can use cell phones to enter the transport gate as same as tickets. Moreover, NFC-enabled phone can be used like the credit card to pay the bills.   Before mobiles providing these services, an integrated platform will be needed for the management of mobile NFC services. Since the mobile service is a cross industry combined with mobile devices, telecom operator, banking financial, etc. The platform should manage multiple embedded applications on mobile phone and keep consumers’ privacy information in the security. Moreover, it is important to offering adequate services while user has authority to choose.   As a result, we proposed a platform which serves multiple actors and supports several business models based on NFC standards, and we also design a schema to protect the privacy of the information while client applying for new service and using them. Finally, we will build the integrated system on the mobile to simulate the real context of use, and use service-based access control to verify the different services.