標題: 有關係就沒關係?探討社群遊戲中玩家遊戲方式、對手關係與遊戲輸贏三向交互關係的影響
Relatedness Matters: A three way interaction between Relatedness, Game Play Mode, and Game Results in social networking games
作者: 江姿潔
Chiang, Tzu-Chieh
Lin, Jih-Hsuan
關鍵字: 社群遊戲;關係性;面對面;電腦中介;遊戲輸贏;Facebook;social networking game;relatedness;face to face;computer-mediated communication;game results;Facebook
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 社群網站的興起讓使用者能更簡單方便的進行社交行為,也連帶造成社群遊戲的蓬勃發展,社群遊戲帶來了正面的社交影響。社群遊戲使許多玩家與不同的對手進行遊戲,然而,很少有研究在探討社群遊戲中,玩家與不同對手之間的關係性,對於遊戲情緒的影響。因此,本研究旨在探究社群遊戲與現今台灣大學生與對手之關係性、遊戲方式、遊戲輸贏之交互關聯性,以及其情緒的變化。透過對150位台灣中北部的大學生進行實驗,針對平常玩社群遊戲常見的遊戲方式(面對面、電腦中介)、玩家與遊戲對手的關係(與電腦玩、與陌生人玩、與朋友玩)、以及遊戲輸贏的影響進行驗證。研究發現玩家的心情變化及與競爭對手的敵意會受到三項自變項的交互作用影響,除此之外,在電腦中介以及與陌生人玩的情況下時都會因為玩家接收對手的情緒線索不足,導致玩家負面的情緒變化(如壓力上升、對競爭對手敵意增加)。另外,與朋友玩社群遊戲會讓玩家們彼此關係更為密切,與陌生人或與電腦玩則並不明顯。本研究結論能為社群遊戲提供另一層面之探索,也為去線索理論提供在社群遊戲情境的驗證。
Recently, social network sites have become an important activity in college student’s social life. Among all the activities in social network sites, social networking games are designed to allow users a fun and easier way to maintain their social capital on the Internet. Research have investigated differences of players’ emotions between different kinds of competitors a user confront in digital games. However, very few research discussed about the three important elements in social networking game: relatedness, game play mode, and game results. A total of 150 college students played a social networking game randomly in five different situations (computer-mediated communication: player versus computer, player versus stranger, player versus friend. Face to face: player versus stranger, player versus friend). A three-way interaction was found among player’s mood change and hostility. On one hand, players in computer-mediated communication mode or play with stranger resulted in negative mood and became more hostile because of the lack of emotional cues in these situations. On the other hand, players felt closer to their competitors when they play with their friends or play face to face.
Appears in Collections:Thesis