標題: 旅行的意義:打工度假與自我認同的形塑
The meaning of travel: Working holiday and the formation of self-identity.
作者: 譚心莛
Tan, Hsin-Ting
Huang, Shuling
關鍵字: 打工度假;自我認同;旅行;框架分析;流動性;working holiday;self-identity;travel;frame analysis;mobility
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 打工度假在近年來成為一種台灣年輕人流行的旅行形式,但是相關研究上卻只著重在工作或旅遊的經驗,較少深入探討其社會文化意涵。本論文以Giddens的自我認同理論為立論,分析打工度假作為一種旅行形式,與認同的形塑有何關係。更具體地說,本研究將要探究:一、媒體報導對打工度假議題的框架及其意義為何?二、打工度假的經驗與其參與者的自我認同有何關聯性?透過相關媒體文本的框架分析,以及對26位打工度假經驗者進行深度訪談,本研究發現在媒體文本中有四個主要框架,分別為:(1)開闊國際視野、(2)自我能力的提升、(3)台勞爭議、(4)處於弱勢的女性異國戀情。而在受訪者的個人框架中同樣也有四個主要框架:(1)國際流動與國際觀、(2)追尋本真性的體驗、(3)生命的「脫軌」與自我成長、(4)休閒與工作價值的翻轉。總結來說,無論在媒體框架或是個人框架中,皆認為打工度假的經驗有助於提升自我,並從三方面展現:度假與自我追尋、打工與自我成長、國際觀,最終讓個人的生命傳記更為豐富。
In recent years, working holiday has become a popular form of travel among young people in Taiwan. Nevertheless, previous research on this topic has focused only on participants’ work or travel experiences. This study aims to discover the social and cultural meaning behind working holiday. Drawing from Giddens’ theory of self-identity, my research will explore the relationship between working holiday and the formation of self-identity. More specifically, I propose two research questions. Firstly, how do the Taiwanese media frame working holiday? Secondly, how do the participants relate working holiday to their pursuit of self-identity? This research analyzes media frames of working holiday, and in-depth interviews 26 participants. I found four major frames in media text: (1) cosmopolitan outlook, (2) self-improvement, (3) “Taiwanese guest workers”, and (4) female romance. Interviewing data show that participants frame their working holiday experiences in four ways: (1) international mobility and cosmopolitan outlook, (2) pursuit of authentic experience, (3) the breaking from the normal life and its associations with self-growth, and (4) the reversal of leisure and work. In sum, both the frames of the media and the participants indicate that the experience of working holiday will help the participants fulfill their own biographies through three ways: holidays and life exploration, working and self-improvement, and global outlook.