DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Ni-Fengen_US
dc.contributor.authorChuang, Ming-Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract近十幾年來經濟與生活型態的改變,人們所買到常不只是產品本身,還有產品背後的服務。而在醫療上也是如此,其所提供的服務也越來越受重視。情緒是任何使用經驗的中心,也是使用者互動的一個重要的構成。而在兒童醫療上,經常可以看到負面情緒的產生。然而,在兒童醫療上,雖有產品設計應用在減緩焦慮等相關研究,但對於負面情緒與相關醫療整體服務的整合規劃,則較少研究提出。 兒童面對陌生醫療環境會產生的各種不同的負面情緒,本研究旨在探測兒童與陪病者在牙醫就醫的過程中,會產生哪些不同的負面情緒?其產生的負面情緒成因是什麼?並希望透過服務設計的介入,解除或緩解負面情緒,以改善兒童的牙醫就醫經驗。 本研究包含三階段。第一階段先透過開放性訪談與脈絡訪查,概括了解兒童就醫的經驗,並使用顧客旅程地圖與KJ法分析,產生訪談大綱後,進行第二階段半結構性訪談。針對半結構性訪談資料,使用序列模型與情緒環形圖,來分析負面情緒產生的原因,與可能紓緩負面情緒的作法與策略等。最後是第三階段的脈絡訪查驗證。 研究結果顯示,在「主動的診療」情況下的病患,因為有就醫前的教育,較少產生負面情緒;「被動的診療」情況下的病患,則在就醫前就已易產生負面情緒,就診時更可以看到不同的負面情緒。 最後,本研究提出1.實際牙齒診療狀況的預習、2. 制度的改善、3. 醫病的溝通與互動等三方面設計上的建議。期許未來的兒童醫療不僅只著重在治癒方面,也能重視就醫體驗,建立一個友善的兒童醫療環境。 關鍵字:負面情緒、情緒環形圖、就醫經驗、脈絡訪查、服務設計zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent decades, because of the change of economy and lifestyle, people can not only consume products themselves, but also the service behind them. The same situation happened in the medical service, people take it more and more seriously. Emotion is the core of any user experience and is an important component of the interaction between user and products. Moreover, regarding to children medical treatment, we can easily see the negative emotions come into being. Although there were some researches on easing anxiety in children treatment, but few studies dealt with the negative emotion and its role in an integrated medical service. When children face on unfamiliar medical environment, they might produce a variety of negative emotions. This study aims to probe what kinds of negative emotions children patients and their family produced in the process of dental clinic. What is the cause of producing these negative emotions? We expect to remove or ease negative emotions by improving children’s experiences on dental clinic with the intervention of appropriate service design based on these understandings. This study included three steps. Firstly, we used open-ended interview and contextual inquiry to find out the children’s general clinic visiting experience. Then, by using the resulted customer journey and affinity diagram we prepared the guidelines for the semi-structured interview of the second step. We used sequence model and the circumplex of emotions to analyze the obtained data from the interview for finding the cause of negative emotions and the strategies to ease negative emotions. In the final step contextual inquiry was conducted to verify the finding. The result revealed that patients in the situation of active clinic visiting produced few negative emotions. On the contrary, patients in the situation of passive clinic visiting would easily produce negative emotions even before going to a medical treatment. Finally, we proposed design advices on: 1. the rehearsal for a real dental treatment; 2. the improvement of clinic appointment system; 3. the communication between doctor and patients. We hope the future children medical treatment would not only focus on healing, but also the medical experience, in order to build a friendly children medical environment. Key words: negative emotion, circumplex of emotions, clinic visiting experience, contextual inquiry, service designen_US
dc.subjectnegative emotionen_US
dc.subjectcircumplex of emotionsen_US
dc.subjectclinic visiting experienceen_US
dc.subjectcontextual inquiryen_US
dc.subjectservice designen_US
dc.titleA Study of Children’s Negative Emotion on Dental Clinic Experienceen_US