标题: 行动电信网路之IP封包量测
Internet Protocol Packet Measurements for Mobile Telecom Networks
作者: 林品任
Lin, Pin-Jen
Lin, Yi-Bing
Chen, Whai-En
关键字: E-model;分频双工长期演进技术;感知语音品质评估;分时双工长期演进技术;分时同步分码多工存取;网路电话;宽频分码多工存取;全球互通微波存取;E-model;LTE FDD;PESQ;TD-LTE;TD-SCDMA;VoIP;W-CDMA;WiMAX
公开日期: 2013
摘要: 近年来电信业者开始布建长期演进技术(LTE)以取代3G行动网路。在LTE网路的布建过程中,电信业者与电信设备制造商需要对使用者设备(UE)以及基地台(eNB)进行功能性与效能的测试。本论文建置了一个测试分时双工长期演进技术(TD-LTE)与分频双工长期演进技术(LTE FDD)效能的实验环境,用以量测不同电信设备制造商所制造之UE或eNB的效能。具体来说,本研究量测TD-LTE和LTE FDD传输IP封包、TCP封包与网路电话(VoIP)封包的延迟(latency)效能与吞吐量(throughput)效能。除此之外,我们并量测了全球互通微波存取(WiMAX)、分时同步分码多工存取(TD-SCDMA)与宽频分码多工存取(W-CDMA)的效能,然后与TD-LTE与LTE FDD的效能比较。这些量测结果可以供电信设备制造商作为改善其产品效能的参考依据,也可以供电信业者作为其布建未来网路与选择UE的参考依据。

另一方面,我们提出了两种量测平均意见分数(MOS)数值的方法以评估网路电话的通话品质。本论文所提出的方法在使用者装置上安装一个简单的程式(透过类似app store的方式),让使用者可以在拨打或接听通话之前先预估通话的品质。本文所提出的两个方法中,第一种方法使用查表的技术,将感知语音品质评估(PESQ)量测MOS值的时间从315.4秒减少到3秒,第二种基于E-model的方法可以在5.35秒内量测出准确的MOS值。此结果显示本文所提出的两个方法均可即时量测网路电话的通话品质。
In the recent years, Long Term Evolution (LTE) systems have been developed to replace 3G mobile networks. During the LTE network deployment, it is essential that the mobile operators and manufacturers conduct tests on user equipment (UE) and base station (eNB). This dissertation develops a LTE test environment that can be used to test the Internet Protocol (IP)-based packet performance for Time Division - Long Term Evolution (TD-LTE) and Long Term Evolution Frequency Division Duplex (LTE FDD). Specifically, we consider the latency and the throughput performance of IP, TCP, and voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) packet delivery. This multi-purpose test environment can be utilized to investigate the performance of UE and/or eNB of various manufacturers. Furthermore, we also measure the latency and throughput performance of Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), Time Division - Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access (TD-SCDMA) and Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (W-CDMA), and compare them with the performance of TD-LTE and LTE FDD. The measurement results provide guidelines for the LTE UE and eNB vendors to improve their products, and the operators to deploy their future networks and subsidized UEs.

On the other hand, to measure VoIP quality, we proposed two MOS measurement approaches for mobile devices. In our approaches, a simple program is installed in each of the mobile devices (through an app-store like mechanism). In the PESQ MOS measurement approach, a lightweight real-time table lookup solution significantly reduces the computation time of PESQ MOS from 315.4 seconds to 3 seconds. In the E-model MOS measurement approach, MOS value can be accurately computed in 5.35 seconds. These results indicate that the proposed approaches can effectively provide the real-time VoIP quality measurement.